Kr2snow - you wrote that 99.9% of the time people accused of animal cruelty are guilty. So you can see the possibility remains present that there is a chance NOT everyone is guilty as accused
HI Fairy. That's just what I've experienced. Three examples: I had a neighbor who other neighbors said was neglecting her dog. One neighbor finally called the humane society and it turned out... the lady was neglecting her dog. It had mange. It was really skinny. And the humane society took it from her. My brother lived next to an older woman who it turned out had 26 cats in her little house. Someone in her family called on her because the cats were feral and sickly. This idiot I worked with bread his dog and was going to sell the puppies. He brought one of the puppies to work with the intention of meeting someone after work to sell it. He left it in his car for over 8 hours on an 80 degree day. It died.
These experiences definitely make me a bit skeptical, as you can see in my earlier post, however, I asked Lonely to
"please explain"... I still don't see an explanation.
On this particular thread, I think a little more information is needed before everyone starts doling out the empathy (or, yes, judgment, for that matter). That's all Lea was saying, too.