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www.dictionary.com said:
per·se·ver·ant, adjective

—Synonyms 1. doggedness, steadfastness. Perseverance, persistence, tenacity, pertinacity imply resolute and unyielding holding on in following a course of action. Perseverance commonly suggests activity maintained in spite of difficulties or steadfast and long-continued application: Endurance and perseverance combined to win in the end. It is regularly used in a favorable sense. Persistence, which may be used in either a favorable or an unfavorable sense, implies unremitting (and sometimes annoying) perseverance: persistence in a belief; persistence in talking when others wish to study. Tenacity, with the original meaning of adhesiveness, as of glue, is a dogged and determined holding on. Whether used literally or figuratively it has favorable implications: a bulldog quality of tenacity; the tenacity of one's memory. Pertinacity, unlike its related word, is used chiefly in an unfavorable sense, that of overinsistent tenacity: the pertinacity of the social climber.


New member
Weeeell I'm working on it. Im on my second year of college and I've worked really hard at it.
Working not only on the verbal issues but also the non verbal ones. Like not crossing my arms and smiling :D: more often and generally trying to be a more "open" kind of person.

but conquered? I don't think you just conquer it. You may get better and feel more comfortable but its always going to be something that you'll have a tendency to fall back on.

Now that doesn't mean just quite trying. I'd rather struggle like hell than submit.


Active member

thought i had for about a year...but think ive allowed myself to slip back into a downward spiral. i have to say, i worked so hard between seeing my CBT therapist, reading loads of self-help books, listening to tapes, attending a self help group...that i just got plain tired of trying so hard to keep up with everyone else who goes through life with such ease!

but i think i need to get out of that frame of mind and rescue myself from going back to square one.
I pretty much have!!

Especially since I came to college I have been working REALLY hard to lose my SA...I think I pretty much have lost it at this point...I'm starting to be able to think more clearly in social situations and relax a bit more. I'm even doing what a year ago I thought would be impossible..I've started a few conversations!!!

It's very possible to get over SA. You just gotta know what you want and work really really hard at it. (and I mean REALLY hard). You'll get discouraged, you'll think at times that you'll always be like this...but just keep at it and you'll be talking confortably in no time!!


Well-known member
At this point I don't plan on conquering my anxiety. All my family and my one "close" friend live in the same area, and my goal is to find a job in that area and move there. It won't make me any less nervous around strangers, but at least I can spend more time with the people I'm relatively comfortable with.