Has anyone used EFEXOR XL before



This the first time ever i have had to use Anti-Depressents before, i'm takin 75mg of it a day. Does anyone know if its good or bad?


yeah 75mg is a rather low dose .....i think the lowest is 35mg ....i was up to 150mg before i stoped taking it

it worked really good for me even at a lower dose of 75 mg ........there is alot of bad things on the internet about this medication as far as side effects and hard to get off of it ....but i didnt seem to have and side effects that were that bad ..and if you taper off this medication you can get off of it in about 4 weeks


Well-known member
Hey man, I was recently on Effexor 75mg for 2 weeks. It ended up making my anxiety much worse. This is probably due to its effects on norepinephrine. I know the effects on this particular transmitter are fairly weak at this dose but it definitely was making the anxiety worse.

I have been having the "brain shocks" quite often since getting off it. This is an electrical sensation in the brain that travels through the limbs and back to the brain. It is hard to describe proper unless you have experienced it.

I still think its a fine drug because it has been shown to work for many people. It just wasnt the proper medication for me.

Out of all the serotonin effecting drugs I have been on (Paxil, Lexapro, Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor) this most certainly has the worst withdrawal for me. That being said, it is still not all that bad compared to the benzodiazepines.

If you ever get off it, you could likely expect 4-5 days of discomfort and then it will be over.

The side effects for me were only mild constipation. I recommend you try it for at least 1-2 months unless side effects are unbearable. This will give you plenty of time to see if it will work for you.


Nevermind, just read your update.

hahaha, i tell ya anyways first night i took them the made me really tired then the next few nights they did NOTHING for me not even relax me so i read the leaflet thing you get with every medicine and seen the side effects which were:

Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain.
Dry mouth.
Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia).
Weakness or loss of strength (asthenia).
Sexual problems.
Loss of appetite.
Weight changes.
Pain in the muscles and joints.
Abnormal dreams.
Agitation and anxiety.
Pins and needles (paraesthesia).
Awareness of your heartbeat (palpitations).
Visual disturbances.
Blood disorders.
Abnormal heart beats

so i was like f**K this!! i'm not taking this shit.


Hey man, I was recently on Effexor 75mg for 2 weeks. It ended up making my anxiety much worse. This is probably due to its effects on norepinephrine. I know the effects on this particular transmitter are fairly weak at this dose but it definitely was making the anxiety worse.

I have been having the "brain shocks" quite often since getting off it. This is an electrical sensation in the brain that travels through the limbs and back to the brain. It is hard to describe proper unless you have experienced it.

I still think its a fine drug because it has been shown to work for many people. It just wasnt the proper medication for me.

Out of all the serotonin effecting drugs I have been on (Paxil, Lexapro, Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor) this most certainly has the worst withdrawal for me. That being said, it is still not all that bad compared to the benzodiazepines.

If you ever get off it, you could likely expect 4-5 days of discomfort and then it will be over.

The side effects for me were only mild constipation. I recommend you try it for at least 1-2 months unless side effects are unbearable. This will give you plenty of time to see if it will work for you.

I stopped taking them after about 5 days, i did'nt not want them to begin with and i thought i needed them but after them not doing anything i threw the away plus i did'nt like the list of side effects mentioned.


Well-known member
Yes - I took it and it will help you if you give it a month to 6 weeks.
The side effects in taking it were not that bad.
It can be a little painful when coming off.
But my advice is stick with for a couple of months and see how you go.


It can be a little painful when coming off.

i wanted instant results, i did'nt want to wait a month to 6 weeks to get used to them in that time ur building up a dependency on them. Plus as they were only 75mg and i was sucidial which is not a very strong dose for someone who was about to OD, i think the doctor knew if i stayed on them for a month and with little change he would up me too 150mg keep me on them longer, depend on them and be more money for him in the long run. Nah f**k that i too wary of doctors all wanna shove a bunch of tablets down yer throat so they can get more money, then what happens you get side effects from the tablets then ur put on more tablets to stop the side effects of the other ones then the other ones your on also give you side effects! so u end up on even more! and you feel worse over all but the doctor just keeps gettin more and more money on every prescription he gives you. You were on these and u said they are a little painful coming off, the doc assured me i would be fine coming off them with no problems so thats a lie he told.

I really dont like taking tablets for depression because why would you risk your own health and even life at times just because the doctor says take this pill. Ur at risk to depending on these tablets forever and even killing yourself which is crazy as the whole reason ur on them is to stop that happening but stuides show the rate goes up to 16-35% of people killing themselfs while on Efexor and other anti-depressents. Seems to much a risk for me if i'm honest. I'm not a weird crazy headcase who thinks the doc is out to "get me" i just know what i do and dont want thats all.


hahaha, i tell ya anyways first night i took them the made me really tired then the next few nights they did NOTHING for me not even relax me so i read the leaflet thing you get with every medicine and seen the side effects which were:

Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain.
Dry mouth.
Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia).
Weakness or loss of strength (asthenia).
Sexual problems.
Loss of appetite.
Weight changes.
Pain in the muscles and joints.
Abnormal dreams.
Agitation and anxiety.
Pins and needles (paraesthesia).
Awareness of your heartbeat (palpitations).
Visual disturbances.
Blood disorders.
Abnormal heart beats

so i was like f**K this!! i'm not taking this shit.
Another person getting turned off by the POSSIBLE side effects. This doesnt mean youll actually get them if any. Of all the meds im on I only get like 2 side effects, a little bit of drowsiness from Clonazepam and a little bit of constipation from Dilaudid.


Another person getting turned off by the POSSIBLE side effects. This doesnt mean youll actually get them if any. Of all the meds im on I only get like 2 side effects, a little bit of drowsiness from Clonazepam and a little bit of constipation from Dilaudid.

Yeah there is just way to many for my liking and the sexual problems....ehh no way forget about it, that could range from a host of problems! also i HATE to have to depend on anything or anyone one because i am always let down when i do and have been through out my life and two because i hate to show that i am weak and need help, its male thing i guess as we are supposed to be strong and all that shit ya know. But more so having to depend on something, my famly has an addiction to tablets and drink and drugs and i seen my own mother be pumped full of them for years before she died so i dont want that either. For me the risk is too high and the payoff not worth the risk, there are other ways of gettin over depression
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