Has anyone tried stimulants


Well-known member
Hello has anyone tried stimulants for there SAD, i have had SAD for a long time now, afterwards i was diagnosed with ADD. ADD might be a cause to your social anxiety if you were untreated as a child. So i was prescribed 10 mg of Ritalin, and that same day i had connected with people and talked to people like so easy, dont get me wrong i have been battling SAD and Depression for a while now, but it all felt so good, i was talking to a girl on the phone that i didnt even know and we connected so good.

So has anyone else tried a stimulant, i would like to hear


Well-known member
Yes, adderall has been the absolute best thing for my social anxiety by far. However it comes with PLENTY of drawbacks. The crashing effect of adderall and other stimulants basically makes my already severe depression, aggression and OCD worse. Plus there is the sexual side effects and the fact that it actually RAISES my anxiety in most social situations because it makes me so wired. However, it still prevents the crushing rush of anger, shame and then sadness that comes when I feel embarrassed in a situation, but I am just way wired all the time and I appear even more aggressive because adderall just makes me much more MINDFULL of my anxiety. It doesn't make it go away at all and probably makes it worse. Its probably the confidence boost amphetamine gives you. It makes it a lot easier to communicate with people but I still avoid people tremendously because it doesn't help my fear of being embarrassed at all.


New member
I have used stimulants for SA.

Stimulants combined with Benzos will absolutely
nuke my SA. I take this only on an as-needed
basis to avoid tolerance to either the benzo or
the stimulant. So it is not a chronic solution.
(still searching for that :) )

Some further thoughts
1) Favor stimulants that are more CNS-oriented
rather than peripheral-oriented. Adderall
because of the levo-amphetamine component has
considerable peripheral activation which
is not good for people with anxiety. Go
with dextro-amphetamine (dexedrine) to minimize
peripheral stimulation.

2) If crashing (quick comedown) is a problem
then go with a variant that goes up slowly
and comes down slowly.. Vyvanse comes
to mind. It is metabolized slowly in the body
into dextro-amphetamine.

3) Combine with benzos. For me the negative
effects of each cancel each other out while
the positive effects remain (a rare 'free lunch').

4) Over time, as you understand your body and
its response better you can tailor the benzo-to
stimulant ratio depending on whether you
want more calmness or more outgoingness.

If I want all-day relief, I'll typically combine
clonazepam with Vyvanse. If it is a short
'event', I'll combine alprazolam with dexedrine.

hope this helps..


ive done adderall plenty of times but it wasnt for SA becuase i dont really have SA and i didnt have a prescription either. however i am shy in certain situations and i know that the adderall helped me to talk more and to be less hesitant to say things. i found that in other situations though where i am totally comfortable, like when im with my friends, that i was talking too much. the worst thing about it is; is that i have OCD and adderall makes that a lot worse. so i think if you really want to feel more social for a while and dont care if it makes you feel totally wired then adderall might be good every now and then.


Well-known member
I have always wondered about this. I have generalized anxiety and social anxiety (at least that was what I was diagnosed with). It has always seemed to me that, on good days, I have been amped up (almost manic), and talk a great deal...though this happens infrequently. I don't necessarily feel relaxed, or not anxious during these times, just wired, and it feels good. Maybe I need a strong stimulant? I doubt my doctor would ever go for it though.