Has anyone here made big changes to start living life again?


Well-known member
I am not sure how clear the title is. My question is has anyone here been stuck in a rut - fulfilling very little in life, not achieving your dreams and ambitions, but just living life in the comfort zone and sticking with what you have - and then just made big changes like quit a job you have been in for ages, started really pursuing goals and ambitions in life? If so how did it go?
Or can anyone relate to being at a crossroads in life where you feel like you are parked in a layby 50 yards from the crossroads, but not sure which direction to take next, so just staying stationary?


Active member
well, i just told my parents about my SA which was a pretty big step for me since none of my family/friends really know/knew about it

i feel a mixture of relief (at finally telling someone) as well as a little anxiety (due to them knowing how i really feel) at the moment, but overall, i feel it was something i needed to do & am happy i've done it (i think, lol)

hopefully i'll try some therapy soon & see where i go from there

what about you?


I've been wanting to travel for years, talking about it and "planning" it, and in the last month I've decided I'm just going to do it.
I've told my therapist, in itself quite a big step for me, and cut down how often I see him (the cost of that alone has impeded me saving to go!), and now I'm (really) planning to leave in September.
It was really hard to tell my therapist this - I assumed he'd disagree, that he'd think I was giving up, flipping him off - and it's still hard to talk about because I automatically put my negative assumptions into his head. But we've been able to talk about it, and it's neither negative or positive. It's both and neither.

I'm scared. But I'm doing it, and I know while travelling that my problem won't disappear, but I'm now accepting that I'll never be totally ok, but I can't let that stop me doing things anymore, and I'm actually relishing the thought of putting myself through the paces. I'm going to live my dream, and the fact I'm now actually going to do it has really given me something to work towards.

My theory - whatever you want to do- whatever- do yourself a favour and do it.
I know I can do whatever I want to, and hope this will prove it for me. This trip, I hope, will cover the distance between knowing I can and really feeling I can.

Everyone else out there - whatever you want to do, just do it. Accept it won't be perfect, accept you'll still be nervous, accept you might say something or do something silly, but at least you're doing what you want. It won't be all positive and it won't be all negative, but somewhere in between, both and neither. And really, I know I wouldn't want it any other way. That's real life, and I reckon basically, that's what we're all striving for.