Has Anyone Had Any Sucess With Therapy or Medication?


New member
I swear treatment is as affective as using a bandaid on a wound that requires stitches. Better than nothing but doesnt really work.

What has helped some of my symptoms is morphine. Take it for chronic pain and it has numerous psychological affects


New member
Man! that's a rediculous thing to recommend

I dont recommend it. Im just saying it is more effective than any ssri, I have tried.

My last shrink told me theres no medication to treat avpd and that personality disorders in general tend not to respond to medications.

I have read about maoi's like Nardil and Parnate having some sucess but they have diet restrictions. That if followed can cause hypertensive crisis that puts you in the hospital.

I am curious if anyone here has tried them. They are used as the last resort for above reason


New member
Also, has anyone had any sucess with CBT?

I am very serious about all this and am not a troll. We all know how much avpd can diminish the quality of life.

PArt of the cause for my avoidance comes from being hard of hearing(deaf) and being mainstreamed in school (normal school instead of deaf school). I experienced repeated peer rejection. Studies have been done on deaf students that were mainstreamed and peer rejection and being left out is common.

THis alone doesnt cause all mainstreamed deaf to become avoidant. I think I was predesposed from genetics. Anxiety is common in my family


Active member
For some,
success can take a while. But there is light at the end of the endless looking tunnel. Some people get lucky with meds on the first few tries... I've been on meds since I was 16 and it's taken about 10 years to find the right cocktail of meds. True, I had my ups and downs and it was a real rollarcoaster ride. But did it pay off? Absolutely. I've succeeded in things i never DREAMED I could do. I went from a girl who wouldn't go outside the front door, wouldn't talk on the phone, couldn't go to school because of social anxiety, to leading a semi-normal life. Thank you meds.... I had my serious doubts and at times i truly hated you but in the end it was worth it. Also..... cbt therapy is somewhat similar to act??? Im interested in learning about it.


Well-known member
I've had limited success with therapy. It's nice to have someone to talk to though.

If you go for therapy, I recommend someone who does cognitive behavioral therapy or some kind of pro-active approach. My shrink told me when I first started that she wasn't a CBT therapist. I should've moved on right away, but I didn't know any better and because of my AVPD, it was so hard to seek out a therapist in the first place, I couldn't face starting over. Eleven years later, I wish I could go back in time and slap myself. I feel like I've wasted 11 years chatting with someone I paid to be my friend.

Find a therapist who will push you, not just chat.

As for medication...I've tried anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants. I think they help a little, but they don't take away the main problem. In other words, I'm still alone and too scared to make connections with people...but I feel a little less awful about it.


Well-known member
medications and drugs arent going to eliminate APD at its core, nothing will...i believe it is such a hard-wired mindset that it can only be unraveled a little bit...medications will help with the symptoms such as anxiety(benzos, ssris) an some can help with social reward(nardil) so they do have their place..i have noticed though for every symptom they help they usually create their own set of side effects..so its a juggling act.

therapy i went to for 2-3 years and made a little progress..basically they tried to help me use mental magic tricks to help me feel better..some of it helps if you can really put it to use and trick yourself but i was still very avoidant at the core..i still am..