Has anyone ever felt like an overwelming sense of fear come?


Well-known member
Today at my class when they all went to get coffee and a tiny cake from the table i felt like a sense of fear come over me, like extreme nervousness.Best words i can describe it like you wanted to find a hole and crawl in 8O :oops: Is this normal for people with social phobia? :(

I guess the main thing is a stuck it out and tried to tough it out.What bugs me though is people will think why the hell are you so nervous and scared.But the instructor knows i got social phobia i guess.


yes i have. its general and social anxiety or phobia.ive done a lot of research on the pc and have learned so much about myself now that i know i have sp. have any questions feel free to ask!


Well-known member
I have this alot of times when Im in public, the worst times when Im on my own and especially before Im about to get off the bus. I feel at the time like I just want to be back home and wish I had a transporter machine lol


Well-known member

Oh yeah i hate that, getting on and off buses.Like that feelin you want to just die right there and then lol.


Active member
every time i go to the store, i want to go home, because i cant handle the world because i am not sociable to the outside world at all and i hate it so much i feel this way alot :cry:


Well-known member
I don't want to go home, it's were my social phobia is worst, with people who live around me.


Well-known member
I'm not that nervous in getting on the bus, but i used to coz i used to think i wonder if there are people i know on that bus and i wonder if they'll shout something at me. But getting off i'm nervous, i get nervous when i have to say good bye to the bus driver and walk pass people and i get slighty nervous and uncomfortable when i'm actually sitting on the bus, i get uncomfortable when people are sitting at the back of me and wonder if they are looking at me. i get nervous when someone sits down next to me, coz i get worried that i might not be able to say "Excuse me, can i get passed?" to get off at the stop that person doesn't want to get of.

I also get nervous if i have to get up and pour myself a cup of tea in a public area or take a slice of cake coz i get worried people are thinking "Why's she taking that big piece of cake for?" or "She doesn't deserve a piece of cake?"

I get nervous when i'm coming out of a store in case the shop keepers think i'm stealing something if i haven't brought anything. Or incase they are thinking "Why hasn't she brought anything in my shop?" lol.
I get nervous with all sorts of things, in fact every day i'm nervous about something, even if it's just a little thing. :lol:


Well-known member

But getting off i'm nervous, i get nervous when i have to say good bye to the bus driver and walk pass people and i get slighty nervous and uncomfortable when i'm actually sitting on the bus, i get uncomfortable when people are sitting at the back of me and wonder if they are looking at me.


I feel nervous when I have to stand up and get off in front of the other passengers and I also feel nervous when I have to say thank you to the driver because 90% of the time he wont hear me lol, and then I start thinking he must think Im rude.
The only time I feel nervous on a bus is getting on and getting off. Im not really bothered about sitting on the bus in front of all those people because I usually just day dream. But then sometimes when I have alot on my mind and cant day dream, I notice that people have no where to look and it annoys me that I have to keep looking at people or they have to keep looking at me. This is bad on those days when the windows are dirty so you cant see out :(
I prefer people sitting to the back of me so I cant see them.

I dont like when unruly kids come on the bus and sit in front of me or someone else who might sit in front of me and start talking to me.


i get nervous when someone sits down next to me, coz i get worried that i might not be able to say "Excuse me, can i get passed?" to get off at the stop that person doesn't want to get of.

Yes this happens to me too, so I usually choose seats that face sideways when I can so I wouldnt need to say that. Also if I had to sit on the end of the seat and someone needed to get past me, that worries me as I have no balance so am always afraid I will fall over and get laughed at by everyone sitting behind me.



I get nervous when i'm coming out of a store in case the shop keepers think i'm stealing something if i haven't brought anything.

I sometimes get that, and I especially hate walking through those doorways where the alarm keeps going off incase they think Ive stolen something when I never do.

The alarms have gone off alot when my boyfriend has brougth DVD's and alcohol etc as the cashiers obvisouly dont take off the security tag things like they should do :( and then the security guard or the cashiers have to check through our bags, so I usually avoid those shops whenever possible. It happens alot in sainsburys!



I get nervous with all sorts of things, in fact every day i'm nervous about something, even if it's just a little thing.

Yes thats me too!!!!