Happy crying!!!


Active member
I just emailed my housemate for college yesterday! She replied and I started crying halfway through her email because we sound very alike! The fact that she has a style of writing (as a writer, I love this in people), said she had a friend bring her out of her shell recently, her being a studier, liking dogs, having an interest in decorating, her cleanliness habits...

All of sudden, I just got very emotional because I know at the very least we are going to get along well and she will probably understand my shyness at least a bit! Maybe we'll even turn out to be great friends and hang out! I really want to come out of my shell, maybe she is the person who's meant to do that! :) Not getting my hopes up and I will make my own efforts obviously, but this is exciting!

I really do think God is looking out for me. A week ago, I thought everything was going wrong, but it was actually heading in a better direction. Obviously, this doesn't make things perfect, but hey, it's still something.

Disclaimer: I do not mind other religious beliefs, atheism, etc. I don't think my religion should affect the legality of abortions. I don't believe being gay, trans, etc. is a sin. Yes, I have read the bible. No, I'm not debating the text and translations with you. That is something you must do for yourself with an open mind and desire for truth.

LOL, sorry for the disclaimer. I just don't want anyone to jump at me.


Well-known member
That's great to hear that things are starting to look better. I'm sure you will make friends and do well in school.

Try to remain positive and don't let little setbacks bring you down.