Handling praise..


Well-known member
As we head into 2016, there's going to be changes, potentially, with my role.

My colleagues are always effusive about me being promoted, a pay rise etc! But I don't see it. Compared to them, I'm probably comfortable doing certain things (social media/newsletters) but most of the time, I'm anxious and on edge dealing with customers etc. So when they praise me, I think "you don't know how I feel on the inside!"

I tend to just nervously smile, but I want to say something that gives them hope that they might get a promotion and pay rise aswell. They could do plus just feel uncomfortable when they comment on that topic.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I tend to be embarassed whenever someone praises me, I smile nervously and kinda dismiss it. Since I don't like brag or get big headed about my achievement in that "Aye, am the feckin' greatest, like..." Y'know? Like I still remember the few achievements I got during my school years and always felt that I'm bluffed my way to them, like I didn't earn or deserve them in some way.


Well-known member
Receiving praise is such a rare occurrence for me that I get a little emotional practically every time it happens. Tears well up in my eyes. I'm so used to people finding fault with me (no matter how hard I try) that it is almost impossible for me to believe I'm good enough, or that I could ever be. I never truly feel like I deserve compliments.