Hand Gesture-Related Greetings?


I feel like an idiot for having to ask about this, but I never understood the weird highschool-aged hand greetings that teens do. This seems trivial at first glance but for me it's a major barrier to initiating/ending interaction with people my own age. What the hell am I supposed to do? How many variants of hand-flapping/slapping/clapping/pounding are there? When were the pamphlets on these things given out and why didn't I receive my copy? It's really upsetting that the small things like this are what largely end up holding me back.


Well-known member
I personally made sure I was on the opposite side of the hall when I saw someone I knew. It was easier for me to wave once from across the hall. You can google handshakes or try watching a YouTube video about handshakes.


Well-known member
yeahh i had to learn handshakes too. it is hard for people who don't have many friends.