Hairdressers phobia!


Well-known member
I have to go to the hair dressers and i have seriously bad phobia!
I also have to take my daughter who is starting to look like rapunzel right now!
I used to be able to tolerate going, i found somewere i didnt have to make an appointment and i went early so i didnt have to wait and usually dragged hubby with me.
Last time i went one of the young hairdressers that usually does my hair was getting hers done next to me, and she started making little bitchy comments when the hairdresser complemented me she would say like oh we all say thet yo her 8O :oops:
Then she turned her chair to face me and just sat there staring right at me .........I was so pannicked i went this colour :oops: !!!

Now i carnt go any were near the place ..........made an appointment somewere else.............terrified though :(

why why why carnt i just be normal :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
Going to the hairdressers isn't my favorite activity either. I always feel so tense and self-conscious that my face turns red like a tomato, and then I have people looking at me weird and asking me if I feel okay, which makes it even worse. But since I color my hair, I have to have it done at least every three months, when it gets so ugly I can't stand it anymore. I just try to stick my nose in a magazine, so I don't have to chat with anyone, and just hope it is over soon. My son would probably be happy if I didn't take him to have his hair cut :wink: . He wants to grow his hair, but I think it looks awful when it's all shaggy and messy looking. He's getting to the age, though, where I can't make him go if he doesn't want his hair short.


I hate going too as I can't bare to sit in a mirror having to look at myself, ha ha! I think you always feel quite naked at an hairdressers!


Well-known member
I hate the hairdressers. I always feel kind of trapped there. The hairdresser always tries to talk to me and I can never continue the conversation.


Well-known member
I hate the hairdressers. I always feel kind of trapped there. The hairdresser always tries to talk to me and I can never continue the conversation.


Well-known member
hehe this is weird cus im just back from hair dressers and wen the women was looking at my hair to see wat she cud do with it i went all red :oops:
but neways so what! im sure she wont be there this time so dont worry about it if she starts starring again then stare right back but glare at her and go aye ur hair is a mess no wonder ur here or something like that try not to let her get to u, shes a bitch :twisted:


Well-known member
oh and she probably only said that the last time cus she was selfconcious about her own hair so she had to make others feel bad to make herself feel better!


Well-known member
blue said:
I have to go to the hair dressers and i have seriously bad phobia!
I also have to take my daughter who is starting to look like rapunzel right now!
I used to be able to tolerate going, i found somewere i didnt have to make an appointment and i went early so i didnt have to wait and usually dragged hubby with me.
Last time i went one of the young hairdressers that usually does my hair was getting hers done next to me, and she started making little bitchy comments when the hairdresser complemented me she would say like oh we all say thet yo her 8O :oops:
Then she turned her chair to face me and just sat there staring right at me .........I was so pannicked i went this colour :oops: !!!

Now i carnt go any were near the place ..........made an appointment somewere else.............terrified though :(

why why why carnt i just be normal :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Actually you sound very, very normal. Although some people enjoy going, loads of people hate going to the hairdresser's too, whether they're socially phobic or not (a friend of mine, for instance, who definitely isn't).

I think the other hairdresser was probably just watching the way your hair was being done and was saying things jokingly, not being bitchy.


Well-known member
blue said:
when the hairdresser complemented me she would say like oh we all say thet yo her 8O :oops:

maybe she meant that all the hairdressers tell you that (out of honesty) but you don't believe in it yourself like you should. sometimes people say things and at first i don't get it, or i take it as an insult, when in fact they are trying to give me a compliment.


Well-known member
Mybe I am really paranoid :(

Incidently i have been to the hair dressers and it went o.k :?

I still think hair dressers are evil :twisted: and she cut my fringe wonky!