Guys with girly hips?


Well-known member
Thanks for the posts from Feathers and on. I don't want people thinking my hips are massive or anything. They go out maybe half an inch further than my shoulders (So I guess I can be greatful that it's only by that much and I can still some what hide it). I have started up weightlifting again despite not going to the doctor's about the possible developing hernia but I'm confident that it isn't one (hopefully). I'm trying to be optimistic about gaining muscle and hopefully being more comfortable in wearing clothes.

@ Feathers

Maybe I do have BDD but I don't want to be labelled as having it. :p

@ just wanna b normal

If you want to gain weight I wouldn't be worried about stress making you lose weight. All you have to do is eat a lot of food and you won't lose weight. Believe me, I've put on like 20 lbs. If it'll make you more confident then go for it!

Edit: I completely exaggerated the half inch wider than shoulders thing. I just looked in mirror and my hips are narrower than my shoulders by like 2 inches each side.... It doesn't even make sense... I must sound ridiculous.
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Well-known member
Oh yeah, the people you see on TV aren't normal.... We've all been brains washed on that's how we should look....

Yes, we shouldn't look like those people, it's unnatural and unhealthy. The majority of them seem to be living miserable lives as well, go figure.
The way people look changes all throughout life. It's a lot more important to develop one's skills and character because that's something we can keep improving on with time, where as, no matter how hard some people fight it with diets or surgeries looks will fade, but no one can take away your character. :)
I find the deepness and thoughtfulness of a truly good person more attractive than anything else. It's what makes the girl of my dreams the only hot one to me. She gets me all fired up about things that matter to me, things that bring happiness and real joy. Realizing that no one is valuable because of how they look is a beautiful thing.
People who think they can be better than others because they smear themselves with a lot of grease, stuff their skin with rubber, or stick themselves with metal or stones are honestly the only truly ugly people, in my opinion. Many don't just look unnatural on the outside, they've focused so much on looking like the things their media has filled their heads with that they've failed to develop anything really good inside. It's a sad waste of the potential everyone has to be flippin' amazing.
Stop making your life revolve around looks, and stop comparing yourself to others. Problem solved.

You should focus on who you are on the inside, your body will change, but who you are on the inside won't. And this is what people really look for when they decide who they want for friends and BF/GFs etc. I know alot of people may disagree, but those people need to shut off the TV. Their minds are brainwashed with all this stupid **** on TV.
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Yes, we shouldn't look like those people, it's unnatural and unhealthy. The majority of them seem to be living miserable lives as well, go figure.
The way people look changes all throughout life. It's a lot more important to develop one's skills and character because that's something we can keep improving on with time, where as, no matter how hard some people fight it with diets or surgeries looks will fade, but no one can take away your character. :)
I find the deepness and thoughtfulness of a truly good person more attractive than anything else. It's what makes the girl of my dreams the only hot one to me. She gets me all fired up about things that matter to me, things that bring happiness and real joy. Realizing that no one is valuable because of how they look is a beautiful thing.
People who think they can be better than others because they smear themselves with a lot of grease, stuff their skin with rubber, or stick themselves with metal or stones are honestly the only truly ugly people, in my opinion. Many don't just look unnatural on the outside, they've focused so much on looking like the things their media has filled their heads with that they've failed to develop anything really good inside. It's a sad waste of the potential everyone has to be flippin' amazing.

Great post