Guys, what do you think?


Active member
Okay, I'm sick of not making a move and maybe losing out on a great guy just because I don't dare.
I had a class with a guy/neighbor. He asked me to lunch, we hung out and watched tv and he kept referring to things that we should do in the future. Do you think he'd be put off if I asked him to a basketball game?


Active member
I did it! the only thing is, is that he was already going with his friend, so now I have to be a tag-a-long. I don't know if he is doing it to just be nice or if he really wants me to come. Oh well, the worst thing that could happen is that it will be the most embarrassing night of my life and he ends up hating me. :oops:


Well-known member
june said:
I did it! the only thing is, is that he was already going with his friend, so now I have to be a tag-a-long. I don't know if he is doing it to just be nice or if he really wants me to come. Oh well, the worst thing that could happen is that it will be the most embarrassing night of my life and he ends up hating me. :oops:

june, be greatfull that he invited you.

just think, if he wouldn't want you to come, he would just make up an excuse that he is busy doing something else, very simple.

and you aren't a tag-a-long. you can play 1 on 1, switching turs, and the winner remains in the field, like a championship. focus on the game and not on the impression you have to make.

ask him to show you a few tricks to get his attention. and maybe later, YOU can invite him to lunch and talk about his hobbies. for ex, if you find out that he likes pool too, u can say something like: can u teach me? or...let's play to see who is the best.....

lots of luck..... :wink: