Greetings from Portugal!


Hi everyone!

I´m a portuguese girl, 19 years old and like you i have social phobia.
I found this forum, a months ago when I was searching more about this problem.
I'm a very shy person and some times paranoic ::p:, for me is very difficult to trust in people, because a lot of persons hurted and offended me. I always keep everything to me, I'm a very reserved person.

Thats all.

(Sorry for my bad english)


Active member
Hi everyone!

I'm 21 years old , I study History and I'm from Portugal. In my profile I already wrote something more about me and what I like to do. I can say I'm an ordinary girl who fights every day with Social Phobia just like a lot of people :)
I saw this forum while I was looking for some information and I decided to share my own experience.

Thank you and nice to meet you all ^_^


Welcome. Your English is very good. I think that when it comes to Southern Europe, most Americans are a lot more familiar with Spain or Italy than Portugal. That is a pity, since I think that Portugal has a lot to offer.
Olá a todos!

hehe já somos alguns aqui, penso que ainda há pouca consciência relativamente à fobia social em PT, o que é pena.

Hi guys!

Sorry I had to write in Portuguese, It's just weird talking in English with fellow Portuguese, I'm also new here and joined for the very same reason she did :)


Well-known member
Infelizmente também por aqui ando... / Unfortunately I'm here too.

É bom conhecer-vos! / Nice too meet you, guys!