Got Some Robinul Questions

Hello forum!

I'm back here again from a wonderful winter season hiatus. With the warmer weather here my Cranial HH is rearing it's ugly head again (pardon the pun) seemingly worse than ever. I cannot go through the summer season again with this. I've got my daughters graduation, and countless other events that I know will be horrible and I'll either feign illness to get out of it or try to suffer through it with racing heart and pouring sweat. If I miss my daughters graduation because of this stupid HH I will be devastated. I have tried secure wipes which I thought worked ok last summer. I had some left over and they must expire or my condition is worse as they certainly failed during my last "social event". I want to see if my doctor will prescribe Robinul for me. I only suffer in social situations (meetings, etc.) and in crowded events (graduations, etc.) or if I am phsically exerting myself. I am usually fine in these situations during the winter months, but as soon as it warms up outside, it starts. I am wondering if Robinul can be taken on an "as needed" basis (meeting that day, graduation day, you get the idea) or is this drug a daily regimen? I would like to avoid the side effects on the days I don't have to worry about, but would gladly accept the trade off on the days that I do. Have you used Robinul only on the days you knew it would be necessary? TIA


Well-known member
Yes. I do. I take 6 mg in the morning on days I know I will not need to sweat through my clothes. On days I know I have a soccer game, I don't take it. On weekends if I'm just lounging around the house of I am wearing some clothes I can sweat through but you can't see it (yes, I am good at buying shit that you cant sweat through), then I don't take it.


Well-known member
Hey Bullets--

You don't have to take glyco all the time. Like gg, I vary from nothing to 6 mg depending on weather and activity.

If you've never taken it, you may find you don't suffer that much from "side effects". What I find weird is that I can take the same dose two days running and have really annoying dry mouth one day, none at all the next. Like you say though, even when the dry mouth is worst I'll take it over the worst of cranio-facial sweating.

Good luck!


Active member
Yes, you can take it on an as needed basis. But, the absorption of glycopyrrolate can differ every time you take it. Some days I find it absorbs faster or sometimes my regular dosage doesn't work as well.


Hi Sweatin' Bullets,
I've been using Secure Wipes for about 4 months and, yes, they do lose potency. Pretty quickly.
If I don't reorder from every month I cannot be assured they won't let me down. A new pot will be very effective, so order to correspond with your big events.
I like the idea of using a topical rather than taking something systemic and they have seen me through some stresful events.