got a dilemma....


New member
so its my college end of yr prom tonight. Ive got the clothes and everything to get ready but I really dnt know if i should go. through my 2 years there i talked to no one properly, loads of people took the mick out of me and my one friend there isnt goin anyway. but id feel bad if i didnt go. i know that if i do tho ill just be standing there all night around the people i cant wait to get away from, the peopl who made my life absolute hell
also everyone will be turnin up there in groups and il be all own my own..


Well-known member
You would be by your self, completely? Like no one to talk to at all? No acquaintances or friends of any shape or form??

Would you be seated at a table with a group of people? You could hang out with them?


Well-known member
So, from the sounds of it you've given yourself two options:

1) Go and have a miserable time, and hate yourself for it.


2) Don't go knowing that you'd have a miserable time, and hate yourself for it.

Sadly, option two seems like the clear winner. If you'll have a terrible time either way, you might as well pick the one that gives you at least one thing you clearly want (actually... more than one thing... a few really).

P.S. Give yourself more options in the future ;)


P.P.S Have fun at the prom!


Active member
If you don't want to go, don't go. You'll be better off at home. Just don't wish you had gone though. Can't you spend the night in some other way, so you'll keep yourself busy? You can go for a walk in the silent streets of your town (I do this a lot), you can tidy up your basement (for some reason, mine is always messy) or you can just sit on your armchair in peaceful silence, turn on the fan, get a book and a drink…


Well-known member
Tough call. Actually, it wouldn't be for me. I didn't like school events like dances and I didn't have anyone to hang out with- so I'd say no.

Though, I don't think not having someone to hang out with it should be reason not to go to something- if you are genuinely interested in going to the event. I really wanted to see this band sing during my first semester of college- but didn't have anyone to go with. I still went and actually had fun on my own!

Forget about the people. Do you actually want to go to this? And what for? The music? The dressing up? Those are fine reasons, and if thatdoes really appeal to you, then you should go. And even if you don't go, I am sure you will have other opportunities to listen to fine music and dress up. OR, are you just worried that you will look back and miss out on it? You always here people gasp and say 'You aren't going to prom?' like it's the biggest event of our lifetime. I never went to prom and I never regretted it. I do look back at other things in school and regret them. But prom is definitely NOT one of them.