Good looks equals confidence?


Well-known member
Good looks can boost your confidence. But that doesn't mean they will. It's all a matter of how you see yourself. If to you you're ugly. Then it won't matter how good looking you are. You will not have the confidence to approach others. Depression and low self esteem don't care what you look like. Even good looking successful people can be ugly on the inside.


Well-known member
Good looks does not always equals confidence.That not to say it does not help in certain cases but there's a stereotype that attractive people can't have low self esteem.

It all about perception of oneself.Some people could be very attractive but if they don't believe it them selves they wont gain any confidence form it.I don't know how many time I have seen picture of people here that are very attractive but they have sa or low confidence because they them selves don't believe,that they are attractive.It's all in how one perceive oneself.If you have misgivings about the way you look it will affect your confidence.

A lot of people also can have problem with confidence that has nothing to do with the way they look.There could be many reason for this genetic,traumatic childhood experiences and psychological issues and none of this has to do with the way the person looks.

There many roads to confidence.There are lot of people that are less attractive that are very confidence.It's just in our society looks are put on pedestal and a lot of time people are judge just on that.When really how attractive you are is only a small part of the equation.True confidence comes from within and how you think of your self.There's many different parts that come together to form that.


Well-known member
confidence is huge,when people see a confident person they say "get out their way" there deturmend to do something,being unconfident makes you look weak like a pushover and this is is why (many)men with sa find it extreamly hard to meet or even speak to women,he thinks "i think im so weak,she thinks im a wimp, that i couldnt protect why even bother"and she usually thinks the same about you,while most men find shy,quiet girls cute and sweet(as do i) :evil: sorry for ranting butt its true..i mean i may sound bitter butt its all based on my own personal experiences :cry:


Well-known member
well confidence varies... you can be confident by the way you look, but you can be not confident by your character.

when you are not confident means that you are ashamed of something... that's why most over weight people, effeminated guys, people who arent that great looking, people who see that their charcter sucks, people who dont like their voice... they all make a step back because they are ashamed of what they are.

some things can be imporved, and some things have to be acceoted by time...

if there is a woman and makes a make over and says that she gained confidence... means that she was only not confident by the way she looks and nothing more.

nowadays "ugly" people have so much things that can change them.... hair stylists, beautitions, nutritionists, plastic sergeris.... loads of things!!! so gaining confidence in your appearance is easy. you have only to pick up the phone and make some appointments with people who can help you look better.... and let them do everything!

i was never comfortable with my hair style, and i was too shy (of what people can say about me) to make a modern hair style... i went to a new hair dresser and really made me proud of myself... but that doesnt mean that i gained confidennce in my personality.


id be a lot more social if i looked like brad pitt or ll cool j or somebody. mainly cause im sure chicks would approach me all the time


Well-known member
the_sullen said:
id be a lot more social if i looked like brad pitt or ll cool j or somebody. mainly cause im sure chicks would approach me all the time

Or maybe girls would think you were TOO pretty to approach because they were afraid to get rejected. There are endless possibilities.


Well-known member
the_sullen said:
but we are living in a material world, whats filled with material girls.

Hm I'm not quite sure about that. Some girl are - some are not. Ugly people (that's of course relative) also get chicks. Hope this doesn't all sounds to harsh - i'm just trying to tell you that people aren't doomed because of their looks or because of one other characteristica.


Well-known member
It might sound like a old and tired line but personalty counts for a lot and in someways is more important then looks.I seen people go far on personalty alone.

Just because you don't look like Brad pitt or a supermodel does not mean your ugly and no will one find you attractive.Attractiveness is relative anyways.


Active member
Sometimes when i do something with my hair, I get compliments but ...the things are the same cause still guys doesnt come to me, its like they are afraid of me,or they always want the crazy girl 8O

I had boyfriends, but I mean at university I see that usually guys want the crazy wild girl .


Active member
Septor said:
It might sound like a old and tired line but personalty counts for a lot and in someways is more important then looks.I seen people go far on personalty alone.

Just because you don't look like Brad pitt or a supermodel does not mean your ugly and no will one find you attractive.Attractiveness is relative anyways.



I don't think good looks really equal confidence....I have had several compliments on my looks, and I'm still way too shy and mistrusting of people. And despite how "good-looking" I am, I'm 17 and have never been on a date (and I hate admitting that). So I think looks can help, but in the end it's really personality and friendliness that matter. My cousin wasn't extremely beautiful or anything, but she was all flirtatious with the guys so she got all the dates.


Well-known member
people have always made a big deal or complimented me on my looks, and i've never had any problem getting attention from men, but all of that just makes me feel uncomfortable and i don't like it. I've been told my whole life that i have a unique look, and that i don't 'look' like everybody else. One of my best friends (if you could call her that) in highschool said i was 'strange looking, but not to worry because it was in a good way, and that i was far from ugly'. If i didn't already have a complex about feeling different from everyone else, i certaintly developed one at that moment. I reckon my 'differentness' draws attention to myself when all i really want to do is blend in and go unnoticed. I've become really self-conscious about the way i look, and i hate when people stare at me, because i just know they are all thinking how strange i look.....oh but in a good way mindyou... like that shit counts anyway. Sorry bit of a rant.


Well-known member

There are plenty of females I met over the years who were hot and very attractive.. Yet it seemed like they hated being called hot and weren't all that confident..... Some were just full of bs....They liked the compliments and were just fishing for them from people... Others simply weren't that confident at all.

But I as far as looks, I think guys that are extremely good looking will for the most part, be more confident in the long run. Girls will approach them, they don't always need great game to score dates, people will want to be friends with them. The list goes on.

A guy who is avg to below avg looking will struggle to find dates if he isn't at the top of his game all the time... That's a problem if you already have a problem talking to anybody, yet alone the opposite sex.

I don't think looks will make you a star or a nobody, but looks definitley matter in the long run.

I mean people still foam over Brad Pitt.... the guy is in his forties.
to say looks don't matter as much when you get older is kind of a moot point when Brad Pitt, a guy in his 40's, is still considered one of the hottest Males on the planet.

It's not gonna break you, but it sure is a helping hand if you need it.


U think u r right, I've always noticed that there are girls who are not really top models or anything at all but have like dozens of bfs. It's about personality, and yes I have psicological issues I'm making my best to solve... by my self. I don't wanna go to a psychologist, 'cause at the end we are the ones who have the power to make a change. I'm 18, and I think I have dated but never have a boyfriend before, why? I used to think it was because I was too ugly, guess I kinda believed it when my family told me that always; that I wasn't pretty, I was ugly. Anyway those days are over, I feel pretty but still not confident enough to flirt. Still no bf. So, yeah it's an inner problem!