Good Looking People


Well-known member
It seems to me that everytime i go to to a pub or the shops lately everyone looks stunningly good looking. Particularly younger people of my age.
Im really skinny but i work out. So i look reasonably buff! Not that im complaining but i still find it intimidating sometimes. I sometimes think why can't i look as good as that person.
Particularly with guys who are accesarising alot more now. I guess i get kind or self conscious about this.


Well-known member
Good looks is no measure of a man you shouldn't worry too much about this anyway I see the most gorgeous girls dating the most average looking guys.


Well-known member
ye...looks are totally subjective anyway.
You can't tell who someone will find attractive.
For instance...the guy in Lost who plays the doctor was voted to be one of the best looking men in the world...but I don't find him attractive at all.
I prefer the guy who played a hobbit in Lord of the Rings. :) Not that you care who I like obviously! I'm just making the point that not everyone likes conventional looks.


Well-known member
I agree with you blubs, everyone has their own perference on what goodlooking is. For example, I perfer skinny guys. I dont really like huge muscles, and I have some friends who feel the same way. So really it all depends on peoples perference.


Well-known member
I'm really atracted to big guys, they cuddle way better! I've never been into thin guys, it's totally individual choice whether you're hot or not xxx