Good Book


Well-known member
I highly recommend the book "First Impressions" by Ann Demarais and Valerie White. It's all about how to make a good first impression, and what makes people respond positively or negatively. Most of the advice is really simple - for example, the way you make people feel about themselves is often the way they will feel about you. Usually we're too busy worrying about how other people feel about US. We forget that our behavior is going to make them feel either good or bad about THEMSELVES, and that's the feeling they will remember. For example, if we look unhappy, they may think we're unhappy because they are bad company - which makes them feel bad about themselves, which makes them not want to be around us. But if we make them feel good about themselves, they will associate that good feeling with us.

It's simple but yet kind of profound advice, based on real studies. A very good book.