Going to work extremely difficult


Well-known member
Going into work right now is extremely difficult for me, as yet again, I am having another serious bout of depression. It is making everything tremendously hard, and I have been at my wits end. I would like to take some time off on sick leave to try and recover, but I feel this would only be a short-term gain as I've had depression on and off for about 20 years you see. I am just going round in circles and it seems impossible to break my thinking patterns which have proven to be so destructive to my wellbeing.

I am scared of everybody (have social anxiety too) and feel very, very judged. Can anybody offer some support for me to help me through this awful time I'm having?

cobalt_bluester said:
I am just going round in circles and it seems impossible to break my thinking patterns which have proven to be so destructive to my wellbeing.

Have you tried acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) yet?


Well-known member
Just keep moving forward and looking for new ways to make things better.
I found councelling really helped me its good to talk to someone who can put a different perspective on things.
I do know were you are coming from i have had a god awful morning this morning and right now i just want to curl up in a ball and sob my heart out :(
I just keep thinking ive been through this shit befor and worse , the thing is if you put yourself into too big a depression you only have to pick yourself up again.
Read paul mckenna his confidence books are really good and he has some good exercises to do and a hypnosis cd about liking yourself and becoming stronger as a person.
Its so so hard isnt it. Another thing is maybey if your job is getting you down you could try changing it to one were you maybey dont have to deal with many people.
I hope this helps :)


Well-known member
Soprano said:
So, Bluester, how was your day at work today, good/bad?

Hi Soprano. Nice of you to ask how my day at work was, thanks. It was slightly better than Monday (thank God), but still very difficult.


Well-known member
blue said:
Just keep moving forward and looking for new ways to make things better.
I found councelling really helped me its good to talk to someone who can put a different perspective on things.
I do know were you are coming from i have had a god awful morning this morning and right now i just want to curl up in a ball and sob my heart out :(
I just keep thinking ive been through this shit befor and worse , the thing is if you put yourself into too big a depression you only have to pick yourself up again.
Read paul mckenna his confidence books are really good and he has some good exercises to do and a hypnosis cd about liking yourself and becoming stronger as a person.
Its so so hard isnt it. Another thing is maybey if your job is getting you down you could try changing it to one were you maybey dont have to deal with many people.
I hope this helps :)

Hello Blue many thanks for your post, it is much appreciated. Your advice is certainly useful, and I am particularly interested in the Paul McKenna books you mentioned. My depression is perhaps a little more on the complex side. It relates to a sort of obsession I had from a young age, one that I have since never been able to shake and it's now scarred me. However, that is not to say that I still can't find small ways of helping myself through this awful situation.

Thanks for your help and if you want to chat anytime please feel free to send me a message. I would be interested in hearing about your situation / circumstances surrounding your depression etc. b4n :)


Well-known member
sabbath92003 said:
cobalt_bluester said:
I am just going round in circles and it seems impossible to break my thinking patterns which have proven to be so destructive to my wellbeing.

Have you tried acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) yet?

Hi. No have never heard of that, but will definitely investigate further. Thanks. :)