Going to Doctors


Well-known member
Well I've finally decided I should go to the doctors. Of course I probably will chicken out on calling to get an appointment. And it would be one of the most nerve racking things I've ever done.

If I did go how do you bring it up? Anyone have any good ways of doing this and does anyone think it's a good idea?


Well-known member
hey! good on you for seeking help.
it isnt easy but its a positive step in the right direction.
sometimes when im feeling anxious about seeing my doctor I'll jot down a list of points taht i want to tell him. also, dont be afraid to ask questions.

here are some more tips from an anxiety association:

A few important points on Doctors and Medications
Recognise that not all GPs are directly familiar with or have personal knowledge of anxiety except on an academic level.

Medicine is still essentially conservative - there may be other natural options

Regard your doctor as a person with some specialised training in one particular modality, but not a specialist in ALL areas. Therefore they may have SOME knowledge that is helpful to you, but it is not necessarily the ONLY knowledge you can gain.

Doctors, as people, also have different preferences in the way they practice medicine as well as different approaches. Some may not be interested in emotional problems, preferring a more technical approach. Ask to be referred to another more "listening" doctor if you find this is the case.

Don't be afraid to ask WHY?

Recognise that you are paying the doctor to provide a service, which should be delivered to YOUR satisfaction - including providing you with all of the information you require.

There are several doctors now available who have also studied natural therapies. If you would like a more holistic approach, these may be the answer.


1. What precisely can I expect the medication to do?
2. What are the side effects?
3. How long till the medication takes effect?
4. How long should I expect to be on medication?
5. What happens if I choose to come off it?
6. Are there any precautions I should take? (e.g. avoiding certain foods, operating machinery etc.)

Goodluck! :)


Active member
I am in the same situation. I have finally made an appointment to see a doctor. I wanted to go a couple of years ago when I was really depressed for the first time. I didn't go because my mom discouraged me by saying that I would be stigmatized and things of that nature.

I'm really afraid because I don't like disclosing any information about myself to people. So, we will see how this goes for both of us.


Well-known member
alwmt said:
I am in the same situation. I have finally made an appointment to see a doctor. I wanted to go a couple of years ago when I was really depressed for the first time. I didn't go because my mom discouraged me by saying that I would be stigmatized and things of that nature.

I'm really afraid because I don't like disclosing any information about myself to people. So, we will see how this goes for both of us.

it sadens me hearing your mum, of all people, would be so discouraging.. the fact that she would be more concerned about what others think then your own health. not to judge tho, the fact is there is a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness but yeah, its nothing to be ashamed of. everyone experiences anxiety and depression.. we just do so to a greater degree.

anyway, gl with your appointment :)
keep us posted


New member
hi im new to this, well im considering going the doctors as i feel i have become worse, i have only just realised what my problem is and its fear of attention! then i looked it up on google to find it was a social anxiety. i always thought it was public speaking, but even walking down the road now and feeling like people are looking at me makes me have small panic attacks and blush (alot), i feel completley stupid but i feel better as im not the only person who suffers from it...i just wanted to ask everyone do they have any advice for me..like if medication works, therapy etc...im training to be a nurse but i have the worse communication skills because of this..thanks for reading and any help


Well-known member
I'm pretty mad, I finally called the doctor's office today and...THEY ARE CLOSED TILL MONDAY! I was so mad, it took me an hour to gather the courage and then it was closed. :evil:


Well-known member
Tab said:
I'm pretty mad, I finally called the doctor's office today and...THEY ARE CLOSED TILL MONDAY! I was so mad, it took me an hour to gather the courage and then it was closed. :evil:

oh man, thats sucks. I Hate that feeling
good work calling up tho :)


Well-known member
I finally made an appointment for next week and I'm already pretty damn nervous. :?
I keep having these problems and I'm getting annoyed. All they keep doing is referring me to someone else, and it's so many appointments and it takes up so much time. First I have to go to the regular doctor then I get a referral to the neurologist, now I have to go to the opthamologist, and get an MRI, and see a psychoneurologist and blah and blah and blahhhhhhhhhhh. It sometimes takes as much as 6 weeks to get into these things. I'm getting really annoyed. I have a number of different problems and nothing really seems to be solving the problem :roll:. I hope your appointment goes better and good luck. I think it's good you're giving it a try.