Going to concerts


Well-known member
I'm a big music lover and I'd love to go to live shows but I don't think I could go with my friends. What do people do at concerts? Dance, scream, clap, jump around. I probably wouldn't do any of this.

I went to a concert last summer with two other people but we had seats so we sat and didn't move/speak for a couple hours even though everyone else around us did. It was slightly awkward at times.

Does anyone else have this problem?


Well-known member
at concerts there are 439583745 other people there, so i dont worry so much... not that i dance or move around or anything. i still feel like a stick in the mud but at the same time i feel more invisible since i am in a sea of people. i suppose it also depends on the venue, who you're with, and what kind of music you are listening to.


Well-known member
I've been to 4 music concerts but each time it's been with one other person and we've booked seats. Most other people stand or dance after a while so I stand up (staying by my seat! :roll: ) so I don't look like an idiot sitting down. But it kind of spoils the concert for me, being socially phobic I feel very self conscious and hate dancing, don't mind the clapping or singing along bit (no one can hear you singing).

On the same note, anyone who's socially phobic should avoid visiting the York Dungeons. I went there some years back and it was really good but now they have actors dressing up and you have to participate whether you like it or not (the court case is the worst, you dread being picked to go up in the dock) so you spend all your time dreading being the centre of attention. When are places going to realise there are people like us who want to be entertained and not the entertainers? :(


Well-known member
what bugs me is I know I stand out more if I don't get into it. but I don't think I even know how to have fun like everyone else!


No one looks at you in concerts or everywhere!! once you understand that (i'm starting to lol) :twisted: you're life will become much easier :wink:


Well-known member
I have been to several concerts. i completly change personality when i go to see my fav band in concert and i get completly taken over by the excitement of seeing my idols. My friend was amazed as she had never seen me so over excited and loud.
All i can say to make you feel better is no one is taking any notice of what you are doing, they are only interested in what is happening on stage, i havn't a clue what anyone around me was doing while the band was on. Go and enjoy yourself, they are addictive if you can afford them.


Well-known member
*hand shyly raised*

it's a big issue for me to dance. I feel just intimidated and watched. trouble with concerts, yeah.


Well-known member
Concerts don't bother me at all. The presence of other people around never gets to me. The only time I really get anxious is when I'm asked about myself, and since nobody's going to start a conversation at a concert, I'm good!


Well-known member
I hate not having the courage to evan try. I wish i could, then I would be able to goto clubs and not look like an idiot just standing there (not that i go anymore)
its such a simple task :(

Tryin said:
*hand shyly raised*

it's a big issue for me to dance. I feel just intimidated and watched. trouble with concerts, yeah.