Going to California...


For those of you that remember my posts about moving to California and livin "the dream" (well more like my dream but ), I'm goin out there for the summer. I'm gonna split an apartment with a buddy out there who already goes to school out therel. He said we could live where I wanted as long as theres a school haha if I want to stay any longer than summer. I don't give a shit if anybody cares about this, lol, I just feel I had to say it cuz I got the impression that some ppl may have thought I was bullshitting. Either way, I'm doin it. I've already figured out the funding and I'll prolly have enough for the summer but I don't know about much longer than that... We'll see how things go. I'll keep you people updated on the progress for sure, that is if anybody cares haha...



Well-known member
Cool man. Good for you.
I've also been thinking of relocating to California. Seems like it would be a different sort of refreshing experience.
Let us know how it goes.


Well-known member
I also love 'Going to California' I've been itching to go for yeeeears. Maybe I will make it out there this summer, too. I have to...


It's true alright. I'll probably only stay for the summer just because its so expensive.

You all seem very supportive of the idea thanks yall.



Call me a liar cuz my plans fell through...buddy found a roommate who already lives out there. I'd prolly just end up in a bunch of debt anyways haha...

But on a good point I've decided to take up that art of luthiery (guitar making). Woot I have a goal of owning a custom acoustic guitar shop. I'm takin a class and learnin every aspect of the trade. Then it's up to me to home my skills. Sounds like a perfect job for me since I'm artistic, love guitars, and love the idea of working on my own. Should be fun.
