going through a really bad time...


Hi everyone,

I just have to get this off my heart...Im going through a really bad time at the moment. Basically I graduated september last year with a masters in biology and im still unemployed now, Im writing applications and everything but Im just getting rejected or no replys at all. That might be because i dont have much work experience because I never dared to due to my social phobia. Tomorrow Im starting a job in a stockroom where I will have to package tea and vanilla...not great after studying for 4 years and I have reached a point where Im just badly depressed and have no hope of finding something in my field anymore :(
Ok just one more problem to bug you with Im socially completely isolated (talk to friends who are far away through msn or skype only) but have no friends or anything where I am living now. Sorry this is so long, it would be nice if you could give me some motivation or hope :)


Well-known member
Yeah, I've heard that it can be really hard for recent graduates because they're facing the world when they've only known school, so you're not alone. I can't say what's wrong with your applications, but maybe you aren't putting enough into them because you feel insecure/depressed. You should also try to find something to do with people your age... some group or something to join... It's terrible to be without friends.