Going Green Advice


Well-known member
How do you start a campaign to save mother earth? I am trying this with our company, you know, small things like using hand dryer instead of tissue in the bathroom or eco-friendly soups, etc.
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Probably the best way to start is to get input from all employees from all stores so that they feel a part of any changes; they will possibly have thought up some good ideas already
Energy efficient light bulbs, those fancy toilets that say flush up for number 1 and down for number 2, motion sensor display cases (Target had them in their refrigerated food section), instead of paper towels, get one of those cool Dyson hand dryers, motion sensor sinks so it will be timed and people don't accidentally leave the water running... That's all I can think of for now. Hopefully my suggestions were of use to you :)


Well-known member
Oh, I've never thought about asking the input of our employees. Thank you both for your wonderful ideas. We're also thinking about hiring the services of a company like this who can maybe monitor our consumption and wastage, at least for a few months. Hopefully, we save a lot.


Well-known member
Solar panels are becoming very popular here in my country. They're being installed in many comercial buildings. Selective waste collection/management is another thing that many businesses having been implementing.


Well-known member
Solar panels are becoming very popular here in my country. They're being installed in many comercial buildings. Selective waste collection/management is another thing that many businesses having been implementing.

I wish solar panels are workable here too but I guess I have to deal with it separately. Thank you for mentioning though.