going food shopping 2moz


Well-known member
argh!have got to go food shopping with mum and dad i find this really difficult even with my parents as its a very large supermarket i h8 it coz its so busy and we r having lunch there does ne 1 else dread going food shopping?


Staff member
yup and have to do it everyday, its my main challenge
I only get a days food on purpose so I have to go out everyday!


Well-known member
I don't like going food shopping either but we try going later at night, when theres not so many people and also, since I'm there I get "comfort food!" LOL.
Corrina remember to buy the tortillas to make the quesadillas! They are yummy! :wink:


Well-known member
Remus said:
yup and have to do it everyday, its my main challenge
I only get a days food on purpose so I have to go out everyday!

I do the same thing I only have food for a day or two so i'm force to go out.


Well-known member
No, i don't dread going food shopping, i think it's fun. But i couldn't go on my own, i go with a parent. But i do hate eating out in one.


Well-known member
im exactly like you... i cna go shopping, but i hate going out to eat in a restaurant..... :roll:


Staff member
Septor said:
Remus said:
yup and have to do it everyday, its my main challenge
I only get a days food on purpose so I have to go out everyday!

I do the same thing I only have food for a day or two so i'm force to go out.

yeah that technique works quite well 8)


Well-known member
Remus said:
Septor said:
Remus said:
yup and have to do it everyday, its my main challenge
I only get a days food on purpose so I have to go out everyday!

I do the same thing I only have food for a day or two so i'm force to go out.

yeah that technique works quite well 8)

Yep go to the supermarket or starve. :lol:


Well-known member
Septor said:
Remus said:
Septor said:
Remus said:
yup and have to do it everyday, its my main challenge
I only get a days food on purpose so I have to go out everyday!

I do the same thing I only have food for a day or two so i'm force to go out.

yeah that technique works quite well 8)

Yep go to the supermarket or starve. :lol:

the other option is to order a large number of pizzas and live off them for two days

works for me


Well-known member
My parents wanted to eat in a new store that we've got open called IKEA but it's really weird coz you have to sit at these long benches and seats (like in the great hall in Harry Potter) so that you are sitting close to people you don't know and it was packed so i couldn't do it. I like to sit on a separate table with my parents and sis. So i had to say i didn't want to, and i was worried my dad would get angry and shout coz then that would be embaressing. But then i suggested we eat in a supermarket called ASDA which is next door to IKEA coz i thought i wouldn't be so packed, and the tables would be separate and more comfortable to eat and sit at. I was really nervous and still uncomfortable but i managed it and it wasn't that packed. :lol:

I'm looking forward to a family holiday to scotland in July but i'm also dreading it because my dad likes to eat out lots when we are on holiday, saving my mum cooking all the time. And i don't want to keep saying "No i don't want to eat in there. " and that.


Well-known member
Horatio said:
Septor said:
Remus said:
Septor said:
Remus said:
yup and have to do it everyday, its my main challenge
I only get a days food on purpose so I have to go out everyday!

I do the same thing I only have food for a day or two so i'm force to go out.

yeah that technique works quite well 8)

Yep go to the supermarket or starve. :lol:

the other option is to order a large number of pizzas and live off them for two days

works for me

I would run out of money if I did that all the time lol


Well-known member
hmmm maybe it is just where i live then... as I eat alone I find that it only cost a couple of extra dollars per meal to eat our or order pizzas etc

if I shared meals with others then it would be a lot cheaper to cook own food

maybe in another life I will experience such a meal


Well-known member
Yummmmmm.....Pizza! I could do that! I could live off pizzas forever! Only problem, well 2 problems really is: one, who has that kind of money like Septor said? And two, my hubby doesn't like pizza! 8O :lol:
Another idea, and I know we need to be making ourselves go out more but some people aren't there yet, so for those who simply can not handle it, what about ordering food off the internet from the store and then having them deliver it to the house?
But although this is a much painless temporary solution, it is better to face our fears as I have heard thats the only way to recovery. :wink:


Well-known member
well ive been and come back lol i was exhausted and had 2 have a nap when i got in lol,had lunch out and was fine! :lol: had hot flushes shaky hands but once myself and my parents had been in the shop for like 10 mins or so i was feeling alot more comfortable i mean i was still uncomfortable but it was manageable if that makes sense!lol i got some really yummy food!and a new watch and some new clothes so im glad i went now!! :lol:


Well-known member
I have to do all my own shopping as well. I dont mind shopping the bit I hate is having to pay for it all. I always try and find an old person to serve me coz i get intimidated easy.


the grocery is the one place i'm not scared - save for the part where i have to order meat from the deli (ugh). thankfully, there's a self-serve checkout, so i don't have to talk to anyone.


Well-known member
yea scyth when i go shopping with my mum, and then we get to the check out i always make sure we go to an older person not a teenager, i get nervous around them more.


Well-known member
I hate food shopping and could never ever go to one alone, but its easier when Im with my Mum and Dad as I just lag behind with my Mum lol, whilst my Dad pushes the trolley.

The worst bit is entering the shop, going through the checkout and coming out again. I also hate shopping when its very very busy & you have to dodge all the trolleys and say 'excuse me' to everyone who looks at you as though you are the rudest person they've ever seen :(

I went once with my bf at 3am and there were about 10 people shopping then, which was very good BUT there were millions of staff stocking up shelves with zillions of stocked trolleys in the way :(


Lol...For me at times i felt so bad with my SA that i just went without food for an evening instead of going out to shop for it,.i felt that i'd rather suffer the pains of an empty stomach than the pain i felt being out in public, so i can totally relate to what you are feeling.


Well-known member
Maggot said:
Lol...For me at times i felt so bad with my SA that i just went without food for an evening instead of going out to shop for it,.i felt that i'd rather suffer the pains of an empty stomach than the pain i felt being out in public, so i can totally relate to what you are feeling.

I know how that feels.There would be times when I would not want to go out but my hunger for food would always win out in the end.I like food to much.