giving up.



I love how, in today's world everybody has their own little theory, nothing new or different than most others, and yet forevermore conflicting with everything other than theirselves. It is both a coping mechanism and a ancient trap.

New and different is hard. People that can create truly original ideas are very, very rare. Since I'm not on the level of guys like Newton or Nietzsche, I'll settle for logical and justifiable. Principles with REASON. Not dogmatic beliefs.

Look, time brings with it a different society, different ideals and different coping mechanics. The reality will always remain the same, free choice is always there no matter the choices. Go with the world and generally play unsuspectingly by the rules and trappings that have evolved and indeed have been forseen over a few millenia, or seek the truth and see through the lies.

Sounds like you're agreeing with me. That it's ignorant and irrational for modern humans to follow a code of ethics created for people living in the bronze age. Which most people do anyway.

I cannot help but wonder... "So what are the reproductive organs supposed to do?"... oh that's right reproduce.

And yet sex for pleasure occurs throughout the animal kingdom.

And yet homosexuality and bisexuality occurs through the animal kingdom.

And yet autoeroticism (masturbation) occurs throughout the animal kingdom.

And yet I use my 'reproductive organ' to urinate on a regular basis.

'Reproductive organ' is a man-made term to describe something which can have numerous functions. You ignore the facts and use LANGUAGE as proof.

But of course that's not logical... right bletch?

No, it's not. It's asinine.

As long as no one is harmed by these actions, and they don't impede the good of society, then by what right does a society restrict them?

"By the Will of God..."


Well-known member
bletch said:
The only argument I have ever read against homosexuality is "because God said it's wrong."
"God", in this case, meaning some ancient texts written by bronze-age schizoids from the middle east.
Anyone who believes dogma with no evidence, and from that kind of source, is either too stupid or too brainwashed to see how much bullshit they're standing in.
Therefore, not respectable people.
Exactly, you hit the nail on the head. Religion in terms of values can be good sometimes. But with some religions and some families its ridiculous how things turn out. When people put "God" before their family thats when you know something is out of control. You are their daughter, you talk to them, they talk to you, you can help them, they can help you, you love each other ect.... They choose to be "disappointed" in you because some invisible man in the sky tells them to be. That shit makes me sick.

....... .....One of my favorite songs.


Well-known member
~ bletch

I was referring to the 'reproduce' as in the 'reproducing' parts, the anatomy of such is designed for pleasure in straight female/male sex, this much is obvious, any thing else is intentional abusement regardless of the purpose in doing so. Still, it is endorsed by our society so it's 'ok' and 'normal' some even go as far to say it's natural.

What code of ethics do you claim is superior? In the good of society and such?



I was referring to the 'reproduce' as in the 'reproducing' parts, the anatomy of such is designed for pleasure in straight female/male sex, this much is obvious, any thing else is intentional abusement regardless of the purpose in doing so. Still, it is endorsed by our society so it's 'ok' and 'normal' some even go as far to say it's natural.

What code of ethics do you claim is superior? In the good of society and such?

"Some would say it's natural"... but you don't, apparently? because you say that it is 'obviously' an abuse of our bodies.

Like I said, it's an observed behavior among many wild animals. Animals that operate purely on instinct. If they do it, it's not because they were taught to do it, or because they were going through a phase and wanted to irritate their parents. It's because, on some level, they were inclined to act that way by instinct. Just like (some) humans are.

However, naturalism is a poor reason accept or reject a principle. Because the entire reason for us to HAVE principles is to overreach some of those instincts in favor of greater social cooperation.

Therefore, the instincts we generally choose to override are anti-social by nature: robbery, for instance, is outlawed for the good of society. Wild animals don't pass laws to limit what they can have; if they have the strength to do so, they take whatever they want from those that are weaker. We've decided, as a society, that we're better off without this behavior.

So framing the debate over whether homosexuality is 'right' or 'wrong' based on whether it is natural is a bit ridiculous. Because nothing else in ANYONE'S ethical codes is held to that standard.

For my own part(and the larger part of society, as you say), I see no reason why it should be unethical. It harms no one (if it's consensual) and costs me (society) nothing.

And yet, the stigma persists. And in many places, so does the persecution.

For absolutely no valid reason.


Well-known member
Am I abusing my finger if I pick my nose? It's my body and it doesn't hurt anyone. I doubt the word can be used when it's one's own thing and when the "abusement" only gives positive effect.


Well-known member
bletch said:
Therefore, the instincts we generally choose to override are anti-social by nature: robbery, for instance, is outlawed for the good of society. Wild animals don't pass laws to limit what they can have; if they have the strength to do so, they take whatever they want from those that are weaker. We've decided, as a society, that we're better off without this behavior.

And as such we are to be merely advanced animals? Without nothing but the common goal and self perseverance? What do you think of morals I wonder, hurdles that society has foolishly placed upon themselves slowing down progress of universal improvement? What about love?


This has reached the end of the discussion since we both believe in wildly differing ideals. The (offtopic) question of course is are we here by chance, or are we made through intelligent design? Though that's not what this thread is about.

Nice post by the way, I thought it was refreshing.


Doomed2Die said:
This has reached the end of the discussion since we both believe in wildly differing ideals. The (offtopic) question of course is are we here by chance, or are we made through intelligent design? Though that's not what this thread is about.

Nice post by the way, I thought it was refreshing.

OK. Nice talking to you.


Active member
Doomed2Die said:
And as such we are to be merely advanced animals?

That is exactly what we are. Strip us of our norms, rules and regulations .. and all you're left is an animal. But human ego prevents most of us to even glance at that idea ...


Well-known member
I know what you mean about the whole catholic and getting married, having kids deal. I'm Hispanic so the catholic religion runs deep in my family. It sucks like hell whenever I go to a party of a wedding or some kind of family function and I hear the same questions from everyone. " So where's your girlfriend, are you married yet?" "How come it's taking you so long to settle down?" I hear this every time, hell man I'm only 20 and never had a girlfriend. I'm not about to get married and have kids. I don't think I could if I tried anyway.

It's like I'm some kind of outcast just because it's taking so long for me to settle down and have a family. It doesn't help that just about all my cousins my age have already given into my family's demands.

Maybe I should turn gay to piss off my family lol. jk but I think it would be funny to see the expression on their faces.



Well-known member
persian said:
Doomed2Die said:
And as such we are to be merely advanced animals?

That is exactly what we are. Strip us of our norms, rules and regulations .. and all you're left is an animal. But human ego prevents most of us to even glance at that idea ...

IMO we are not better than any other animal, we just think we are.


Active member
Life is difficult. I need to be smarter than them so that I cannot be offended easily and not give up. I need to be stronger so that weakness may not be seen. I need to be emotionally well for people to enjoy my company.

I am being my self but also not letting negative things ruin what I had made. I sometimes find it difficult when problems and criticism was thrown all at once but I look up and deal with the problems I have confidently and with open arms. I know that I cannot please everyone but they cannot be changed.

I live life the way I want it to be because we live here on Earth once.