give me some suggestions regarding to preparation for my exam..


Well-known member
hi guys... i have adhd&anxiety so i have study problems... now i am in a situation were i got to study.... so... can any 1 give me ur techniques on how to sit still and stick to books...... it would be a great help if any 1 reply me... THANKU :)


Well-known member
I have this problem too. I can't sit still and focus when studying. Here are some suggestions that might work for you:

-study for short periods of time (say, 20-30 minutes) and take a break (10-15 minutes). If you study for too long, you will find your mind wandering and start to get bored.
-drinking coffee or tea helps
-alternate between different subjects. For example, you have 2 exams you need to study for. If you can study for 1 exam for 30 minutes, take a break, then study for another exam for 30 minutes, and keep alternating. I think people with adhd have hyperactive minds so they can't focus on one thing for too long before their mind wanders.

I hope this helps and good luck!
mind maps usually help me, I can't read (I can I mean I can't just sit and read a book cause it doesn't go in my brain), diagrams, if its a phrase I need to remember I use poems, silly drawings or unsual words, I create pictures, or I make up a song...I watch vdieos online, I read a section of a book, put it away then write information that I can remember in a paragraph then highlight words...I am a very visual and hands on learner so I find it hard when my lecturer tells me to go read so many chapters in a few weeks because I loose interest so all these things help me absorb it into my friend also tells me an interesting thing she does when she studies she creates a powerpoint of a subject then presents it to her family or to others in her class, I think that sounds interesting because you can create the powerpoint how you want and the saying goes you'll more remember it if you tell someone else...also when studying make sure you take breaks, set up a timetable and stick by it, and make sure you stop for food and to drink something. :) good luck!


i have the same problem
now in italy are 1:00 am
thursday i have an important exam, and the next day another :sad:

i'm reduced to study these last days, day and night
usually i prepare an exam a week before it's fixed
now i'm taking a little break on this forum...
I had to study for this test which was so boring at first, I was distracting myself every minute. After a week of trying study less than an hour each day I ended up liking it, and it wasn't so boring anymore and I could study further :bigsmile:
Maybe you should try to start studying a month or 2 weeks before the actual test?


Well-known member
Lol my suggestion is to study something you are interested in. Dont worry about studying things you are not interested in.