girl advice


so i met this girl like 4 months ago and she was like flirting with me but i was so shy and she gave me her number and myspace but i never talked 2 her or answered her replies just shut her out not cause i didnt like her but cause i was so nervous and didnt no what to say to her but i've been trying 2 overcome my phobia and i texted her other day and we talked texting for awhile and i like her but i found out she has bf what should i do she even asked me this exactly "why did u start texting me now? u havent texted me 4 a couble months? jw." advice please

btw im 15 shes 14


Active member
forget about her. look for another girl, and if you find one, don`t wait for months to text her.


Well-known member
i would come out with some bullshit that u typed in the wrong number on ya phone and finally got her number of a mate of hers or something. if she asks who, say u forgot her name..the blonde one lol. she will like the fact u went to the effort to get i off someone, even tho yeh it is bullshit.

and if she has a bf, theres nothing u can do now. just be her mate, if she likes u more, she will get with you. thats how it is when ur 15.

wait until ur 18 plus, it gets more complex then.


When you are falling in love,i think,you will be easier to vanish your nervous.the hardest is at the first happen to me.although i m sp, i have a girl that loves me so much.