Ghosts, Spirits, and Demon Clips

if your easily scared which the high percent of people on this site probably not watch this at night, but in mid day

some additional videos

a ouija board experience(dont use one, because if the Spirit gains access to your life chances are itll be a merciless demon and you could literally be killed)

this seems like a happy birthday in the german language video, watch the mirror

whatevers authentic here, and whatever is false, i do not know, judge for yourselves....ive experienced demons for myself, so i know they are there

again, please do not watch these(especially the first one) at night if your easily scarred....

the Lord Bless :)


Well-known member
Scary shit there! Me and and my friend have been to paranormal investigations in old houses and castles. We pay to go with this company we've been three times now the last one we went to was an old 19th century prison, which is a tourist attraction. On these nights we stay through the night untill the next morning. We do glass divination and on one occasion we did table tipping. The table tipping was amazing! I never believed much in that stuff untill I experienced it myself. the table stood up on one leg and it went all the way down untill the top was almost touching the floor and it didn't fall! There's no way that anyone could hold up a table without it toppling over by just touching the top with their fingertips. I have a video of this. Another scary thing was when one of the leaders asked a spirit of a little girl to touch one of us, the glass moved towards my mum to indicate that she was going to touch her. We were all waiting when all of the sudden my friend who was sitting next to me jumped up and said that his trouser leg got pulled!
thanks for sharing that recluse.....people would be shocked at how often these things would be shocked at how many people if you get into the topic of this kind of stuff will have insane things to tell you....i met a guy just the other day who became a Christian after a ouija board experience.....he would bond with the demon, it would turn his tv on and off when he'd ask it to, it would make things float....ect until he stopped talking to the demon, and it got angry and possessed his mother....exorcist was based on a true story, but you would be shocked at the amount possession actually happens still girlfriend when she was 8 slept in her aunts room one night and she seen a demon creature in the window growling and looking in....

people think "if i believe your eye witness accounts then id have to believe the UFO people" dad seen a UFO when he was a kid.....there is in fact a way to coincide ufos, aliens and demons.......demons can form lil boys, adults....ect.....why not aliens? i actually seen a story where an alien literally possessed a man lol....there are frauds out there too dont get me wrong, but theres a lot of real eye witnesses, and a lot of evidence to ignore....but we have the choice...theres been times aliens have given messages of hate towards Jesus Christ, and their messages seem to be centered around dont need many witnesses to believe someone killed a man....if you really want to know demons exist, the evidence is there........just my i said judge for yourselves...thanks again for your story recluse


Well-known member
Thnx for the links eyeztothesky :) im well into paranormal stuff especially unidentified flying objects etc etc theres stuff we should know abt thats being censored for certain. :evil:

eyeztothesky said:
....ive experienced demons for myself, so i know they are there

8O What happened? 8O
thanks for your reply

my whole detailed story is here if you have the time, its how i went from atheist to believer(story of how i went into a deep social phobia and Gods supernatural healing also)

basically i was a non believer in this kind of stuff until some strange occurances in my home...which eventually turned into many experiences which i knew were real because they went beyond psychological/scientific explanation

my social phobia was actually an evil spirit living in me....i went into a church and the pastor took me to the front and started saying "in the name of Jesus come out" and i literally felt the demon rip out of me and my social phobia was gone........i felt a way i hadnt felt in the 1800's social phobia probably wouldve been diagnosed as an evil spirit believe it or not...

but yeah, the entire stories at that link, thanks for your reply

the Lord Bless
no, not entirely.......after the demon was cast out, when i got into the car i seen a black dot fly through the window, it hit me in the face and the feelings started to return to me..

God gave me his Holy Spirit....unbelievable experiences, i can actually know God through his Spirit.....his personality, because when you have the Spirit you have become a son of God.....anyways why im saying this is, the evil tends to work in a sense like discipline to keep me from being proud(the sin that fuels social phobia is pride, even modern science believes phobias come from acting too manly i heard on the radio not too long ago) not even close to what i used to be....before i barely had the ability to i can be shy but if i just keep the Lord first, at the center of my life and desires, im not even shyness is caused by an evil Spirit that is still around really depends on my heart....the bible says that whoever loves the world the love of the father is not in him.....if i keep Christ at the forefront of my desires and have confessed my sin to God, by the power of the holy Spirit im given complete contentment....and have no reason to find approval from people.....i went from social phobic where i could barely where im shy, but if i keep Christ in the center of my desires i dont even have like discipline....according to the bible every idol theres a demon behind social phobias case our idol is the thoughts of others, we have made them into a God, and theres a demon there that were literally serving behind that idol that has control over what ive learned from scripture mixed with experience.....


Well-known member
Well its good to hear that you found the strength to begin your healing :) Im not a religious person at all, I have faith and belief in an ultimate plan but I believe that plan is forged by human hands. We are responsible for how we live our lives wether it be thru right action or bad. Maybe im gettin lined up for a laser guided lighting bolt from God here but thats how I feel :D
Its interesting how different beliefs can promote such a positive change in how people live their lives, especially in the current climate we're living in (where faith & religion is being used as a weapon of division).
yeah....i understand.....well to put my experience in as logical terms as cousin and another guy i met in the streets preached Jesus to me, and i could see so much in their faces they believed themselves...but i really thought it was a con.....and i wasnt much fond of Christians, but i experienced the supernatural...and figured theres probably more to this Jesus stuff...and i found God in Christianity to make it as plain as possible....but what you said was very interesting....

i do believe however from scripture(scriptures infallible but not me) that no one on this entire site will believe on God unless he changes their heart to do it....

as far as i understand it, the God of scripture says we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.....hell is a place where people like rapists get punished for their rapes, murderers for their murders.....idolators for their idols, blasphemers for their one will get more than what they have accredited to themselves through our conscience

some will say, they dont believe God is a God who just writes down all our wrongs and punishes us for them, standing over us as a judge waiting for us to slip....they got it wrong, our society drinks down sin like water...were like a toad in water heating up, were boiling but we cant tell.....Christ died in the place of those who will trust in his name.....if someone slaps you, instantly you get a feeling that the person deserves justice, that they shouldnt get away with that slap.......well all evil ever done will be punished according to the God of the bible...the people who did the crime will either recieve justice under the wrath of God in accordance with their sin with Gods perfect justice or else their wrath fell upon Christ at the cross

im a fallible human being and i make mistakes, i dont want to force anyone into a religion...but the point of this post is just to challenge people i guess to find out what the truth is.......many roads, only one can be right