Getting Medicine for My Anxiety

I have severe social anxiety, mild depression, moderate OCD, and severe AvPd. All of these have intensified over the past two years and I would like to get some medication for this. My problem is that I have never told my family this and I don't know how to tell them or how they will react. Also, I am not an adult and I don't think physicians are too quick to give minors anxiety medication.

So I'm wondering: What all does the process of psychiatric diagnosis and treatment include?
Is medication worth the time, money, and side effects?

Is medication even a possability for me?

Any input, feedback, ect. is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


meds r useless and dangerous, try ACT instead

Strip down core violate and paralyze
Flood my soul a coffee dreg - supersize
Slung low like a whore - yeah
Devil want some more - yeah
Cupid bought a gun - he gonna blow the ****er

Yeah - I want it
Yeah - I need it
Yeah - I love it
Yeah - Electric Head
In your head
In your head - in you!

Breakneck speed get a violent spinal cracking
Back down to the chrome and feel the death wish
Hubcaps on your eyes - yeah
Cannot sympathize - yeah
A fistful of hair and a splinter in the mind

Yeah - I want it
Yeah - I need it
Yeah - I love it
Yeah - Electric Head
In your head
In your head - in you!

Too far gone see the freak apologize
Flood my soul a coffee dreg - supersize
Slung low like a whore - yeah
Devil want some more - yeah
Cupid bought a gun - he gonna blow the ****er

Yeah - I want it
Yeah - I need it
Yeah - I love it
Yeah - Electric Head
In your head
In your head - in you!
Last edited:


I have severe social anxiety, mild depression, moderate OCD, and severe AvPd. All of these have intensified over the past two years and I would like to get some medication for this. My problem is that I have never told my family this and I don't know how to tell them or how they will react. Also, I am not an adult and I don't think physicians are too quick to give minors anxiety medication.

So I'm wondering: What all does the process of psychiatric diagnosis and treatment include?
Is medication worth the time, money, and side effects?

Is medication even a possability for me?

Any input, feedback, ect. is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Medication can be cheap if you get generics, only you will be able to tell whether it will be worth the time and the side effects. Sounds like it will from what you wrote. I suggest you get on Paxil 20-40mgs and Klonopin 0.5-1mgs to start. With all treatments for psychiatric illnesses you need to be patient. Good luck.


Well-known member
Medication works differently in different people and no promises can be made as to what effects it will have in each person. The guiding rule to use is to just try something under the direction of the doctor, test the effects, and then decide whether this medication is good or not. Some medications help one person, but then can harm another. Medication does not "cure" a condition, but it does take the edge off so that life is more bearable.

Have professionals diagnosed you with all those conditions, or have you self-diagnosed? All those conditions stem from anxiety, and for what it's worth, after a few years of hard work through regular exercise, an anxiety-reducing diet, some medication, counseling (VERY helpful for me), taking risks to break out of anxiety, and talking to supportive friends who understood my condition, I went from severe social anxiety to much more manageable anxiety and now I have a great job, a fiance, and all the friends and money that I need.

If you are a minor and still living with your parents, my best guess is that your parents have had a large part in the development of your anxiety conditions, and they may not understand when you try to tell them about your difficulties. However, they may agree to let you seek treatment through a doctor or counseling, and I would STRONGLY recommend seeing a counselor in your case, so see if they will go for that. They might turn out to be very supportive, but my best guess is that they will only be minimally supportive. Good luck and let us know if you have any further questions!


Hey Noca, that's not nice, maybe u need to take a chill pill along with all the other meds you're taking

Maybe if you weren't so ignorant I wouldn't have to be "not nice". Im not allowing elses anyones ignorance to stop other people from getting the help they deserve.

Btw do you have a gf with your ACT? No didn't think so, I guess it doesnt work so well now does it?


Well-known member
Medication is helping me, but it is no easy ride. You've really got to have patience enough to get through the first 3-5 weeks. Changing doses can be a bitch aswell. I'm on my 6th month of Effexor and things still aren't stable - but - I am tons better than how I was.

As my doctor likes to reiterate 'there is no magic pill'

In conclusion,

meds help

it just takes time and patience - sometimes a drug works for anxiety, and not depression, or vice versa. Sometimes things need changing because they plain just don't work, or make things worse.

If you are considering medication be sure to check out this site, i've found it pretty useful. The introduction gives you a good insight into meds which isn't just copied and pasted from the manufacturers website. makes for an amusing read actually!
Crazy Meds! The Good, The Bad & The Funny of Neurological Medications


In my trial of over 40 medications i can say that Adderall XR is the best for depression and anxiety and Klonopin coming in 2nd place for anxiety. Paxil being my favourite SSRI. Remeron my favourite anti-depressant(when mixed with Paxil) and Dilaudid my favourite pain killer.


Well-known member
We're counting painkillers? hehe alright, oxycontin solved my life! - I could have become president with that stuff..

By way Noca i'm in the same job as you! No wonder we are pro meds, right? After all, meds never helped anyone....right??


We're counting painkillers? hehe alright, oxycontin solved my life! - I could have become president with that stuff..

By way Noca i'm in the same job as you! No wonder we are pro meds, right? After all, meds never helped anyone....right??

Pain killers in the sense they help my chronic pain.