Getting into college life.


Well-known member
Alright so I dunno what forum this may belong in so.. sorry.. but anyway..

I need to get myself into college soon.. I fear turning another year older and still not be into college. I was really social phobic in HS and barely spoke to anyone, even my teachers. I was all twitchy and feared asking for help when I was having problems with schoolwork and didn't take the act I think.

Due to that my GPA in HS really stunk and I just barely got through my senior year. Coupled with my adhd I'm scared I might not even get into a school due to my bad records..

How does one get into school with a low gpa/grades from hs?
I really wanna try this vet tech thing I was thinking about before, but I hear jobs like that want really smart people off the bat.


Well-known member
Start in a community college, then, if you have good grades and some luck, you can get into a university after a couple years, which is much easier when the university "sponsors" the community college.

Edit: And becoming a vet is difficult. REAL difficult. The material is complex (simultaneous knowledge of different systems), there are few vet schools which makes acceptance a nightmare, and pay is ridiculously low for the amount of years you put into the field. Unless you really got a passion for animals and can handle the above realities, I highly recommend you look into a different but related career.
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Well-known member
Well, a vet tech, not a full on vet. Vet techs only need 2 year degree. There's a program at a school near me which is why I thought about it. When they asked for my transcript and act score though my mind went numb.


Active member
I think starting at a community college is a great idea. I started at a university, was depressed because of SA, got terrible grades, and ended up at a community college where the classes are smaller, the tuition is cheeper, and there seem to be more people with SA than there were at university, so I fit in better, and my grades are better. Good luck!