Getting in touch with someone in your area with SA?


Well-known member
Would you have the guts to chat with someone who has SA, on the phone thats in your area?Just Curious :oops:


Well-known member
i was never big on talking on the phone for some reason. it always seemed impersonal. I guess i can give some leanincy with them having sa and all. But i'd definately talk to them if they wanted to. You can't really force someone to do something they don't want.


Well-known member
I would definitely be interested in talking to someone with SA that was near where I lived, if only to compare notes as it were. On the phone though? Probably not. I have a hang-up with the phone, much like what Masterpiece2 mentioned, preferring face to face contact whenever possible.


Well-known member
I've talked a couple of times to someone with SA. It was good as I hadn't talked to anyone new on the phone for so long. The first time I phoned from under the stairs (I was so anxious)...but that was ok as I could say so & we laughed about it. Its the first time I've actually talked to someone about SA that understood...rather than talking online.


Well-known member
Face to face i would yes, but on the phone? what to pull conversation? "Hey, i hear you are social phobic?"


Well-known member
Im not even sure if I could have a conversation with someone with SA. Wouldnt it be like silent, both people would be too scarde to talk? I know I would be scarde.


Well-known member
I have talked to someone in person on yahoo and it was nice - and yes we did talk :lol: You would be surprised at yourself.


Well-known member
I would probably talk to someone, in person, not by phone... but Canada is a big country, i can be thousands of kilometers away from someone from this site... and more than that, montreal is french speaking, well I am. and you all speak english... hard to find someone from here... :( :?

... Well... tant pis (Redlady: tant pis is a Joual expression(means anyway like anyway, i'll search by myself)).. je vais chercher par moi-même... :D


Well-known member
so you can write english? but you can't speak it. very interesting in deed. unless you have a translator with you. But for arguments sake i'll say you learned how you write english. But got to lazy to finish the course. to learn how to speak it. happens to me all the time.


Well-known member
I speak it too.. as well as french, and a little german.. but im not very good having a full conversation.. and what i meant is : As there is a lot of french speaking persons in montreal, if they need help, they go on a french forum.. easier..
Aerandir said:
I would probably talk to someone, in person, not by phone... but Canada is a big country, i can be thousands of kilometers away from someone from this site... and more than that, montreal is french speaking, well I am. and you all speak english... hard to find someone from here... :( :?
... Well... tant pis (Redlady: tant pis is a Joual expression(means anyway like anyway, i'll search by myself)).. je vais chercher par moi-même... :D

It's good to see a french speaking person here. :D
I just started learning french for 5 months. I'm trying really hard to learn it now 'cause two years later I'm gonna have to be able to carry on a normal conversation in french to get my diploma.
Good for you though aerandir. You're so multilingual..
Yeah Canada is indeed not a good place to meet sp people because it's big and there's not a lot of people around. And I don't live in montreal.. I'm like a thousand km to the west of it though. But while i'm on the topic one thing that really confuses me is how quebecoi people say the word monreal: they prounce it "monreal" does anyone know why? :D


Well-known member
See, the most probable theory is that Montréal stands for Mont Royal and Mont means Mountain so we don't pronounce the T because the correct prononciation of Mont is Mon... explanation's good enough?
Aerandir said:
See, the most probable theory is that Montréal stands for Mont Royal and Mont means Mountain so we don't pronounce the T because the correct prononciation of Mont is Mon... explanation's good enough?
I see! Merci.