generalized anxiety


Well-known member
Does anyone here get anxiety from worrying that something bad is going to happen to their own parents. Also does anyone fear that they may get abandoned by them as well.


New member
yes!! all the time. I get so worried about my mom, she's my best friend and if anything ever happened to her I'd kill myself, I just couldn't live. I worry about her all the time, and it makes me cry and obsess over it. I hate it. I worry about my dad and sister too, but only when I havent heard from them in a little bit. I don't worry about them abandoning me, though.


If you consider someone my age whose parents are in their twilight years, you'll gain some perspective about real loss of parents(we all are destined to be orphans if we're lucky) and what it will be like to only hear their voices in your mind and not your ears. Our parents did their best to make us a strong an individual as they could and to carry on our genetic knowledge/lineage. Our job is to fulfill that task as best we can-that will make them the most proud. And we'll all be fine and strong and hurting when their day comes as that is their spiritual destiny.

So in other words, don't sweat it now because one day it will really happen.


New member
Worry is an awful thing when it's constant no matter if it's
over your parents children money whatever it's still painful worry.

one book that helped me is "how to stop worrying and start living"
by Dale Carnegie

It's an old book but maybe you can find it.

Hope that helps



Further on the same thoughts, A motivational speaker we knew years ago said during a class that we should imagine the worst that will happen to our parents, even visualize it, take it in and breathe deeply and digest it as best we can. He said do that because it WILL happen someday. The more we process it now, the simpler it will be to accept it when it does eventually occur.

I'm not so sure how good that advice is for worrying folks like us but if you can do it and process the resulting anguish, the better off we'll be today.

What's that old saying, the past is history, future a mystery and today's a gift, that's why is called the present. Trite but true.


Yes I worry about both my parents ALL the time. Even my father, whom I cannot stand. Maybe its because they're aging before my very eyes. Yeah I worry mostly that they might die from age. I worry and worry so much about them that I sometimes cry. I worry about all my close relatives in that way. I guess the fact that their extinction will occur on some unknown day scares the living hell out of me. I don't think I could ever prepare myself to lose someone I love so much.


Active member
I always worry about things happening to my family, I worry obsessivly about everything, from cancer, to car accidents, to murder, to being left alone. I have intrusive thoughts about people I care about dying horrible deaths, and if I don't hear from them for long periods of time, I think something bad has happened and I have severe panic attacks and can't calm down. I don't know what I would do if something actually did happen. I always think the worst and I don't know how to just relax and not worry about anything. I care about everyone so much I wish I had more control over their fate and I wish I could keep everyone safe. I feel powerless.


Well-known member
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.People with anxiety disorders feel extremely fearful and unsure. Most people feel anxious about something for a short time now and again, but people with anxiety disorders feel this way most of the time. Their fears and worries make it hard for them to do everyday tasks. About 18% of American adults have anxiety disorders. Children also may have them.
Treatment is available for people with anxiety disorders. Researchers are also looking for new treatments that will help relieve symptoms.Generalized anxiety usually does not cause people to avoid situations, and there isn’t an element of a "panic attack" involved in the prognosis, either.
Generalized anxiety must be chipped away from all sides and that is what CBT is designed to do. No one has to live with generalized anxiety disorder......treatment for GAD has been shown to be both effective and successful.


Well-known member
I always worry about things happening to my family, I worry obsessivly about everything, from cancer, to car accidents, to murder, to being left alone. I have intrusive thoughts about people I care about dying horrible deaths, and if I don't hear from them for long periods of time, I think something bad has happened and I have severe panic attacks and can't calm down. I don't know what I would do if something actually did happen. I always think the worst and I don't know how to just relax and not worry about anything. I care about everyone so much I wish I had more control over their fate and I wish I could keep everyone safe. I feel powerless.

I feel exactly the same way sleepysparrow. It is sooooooo scary to know that one day my mom, my grandma and my brothers won't be here anymore. In some strange way, I would feel better if I were the first to go so that I wont have to endure the pain of losing someone that I love so much. I just don't think that I would be able to cope without the thought of taking my own life. I used to have these scary thoughts about losing someone very frequently, but now the thoughts occur a little less than they did.