"Geek Overcomes Social Anxiety By Turning Life into RPG


Okay, I saw this article online, and although it's meant to be humorus, I think that the idea is actually helpful. Hey, if there's any other gamers on here like me, it could be the motivation they to help conquer SA :p :p

I've been playing games since I was 6, I'm 15 now, and whenever I think deeply about something, I can relate it to video games. >_>. The concept of having to "level up" with SA makes sense ot me. If nothing else, at least you might get a good laugh from this.


Geek Overcomes Social Anxiety
By Turning Life into RPG
By Ross P. Davis

Gainesville, FL - Area geek Ross Davis has learned to overcome his long-standing social anxiety by turning his life into a Role-Playing Game (RPG).

RPG systems such as D&D and GURPS have been part of the geek culture for decades, but they have traditionally served to further cement their participants into Loserdom. With the advent of computerized RPGs such as Neverwinter Nights and the Final Fantasy series, geeks have been able to further socially isolate themselves. Davis claims that his revolutionary application of RPGs can increase a geek's social skill by several levels and result in the accomplishment of new social feats.

"I've been playing RPGs for a long time," said Davis. "From Bard's Tale to Chrono Cross, I've been leveling up while everyone else is out living it up. I decided it was time to get out of my apartment and join the party... wait, hold on a sec." Davis then lapsed into silence as his full attention became focused on Lost Kingdoms II.

"Hooooo buddy - I think this bad boy is gonna cough up a Runestone!" Davis blurted out several minutes later.

After being bribed with an old P233 Gateway system, the 26-year-old Systems Programmer was convinced to leave his apartment in order to demonstrate his RPG-As-Real-Life system.

"Okay," Davis explained, "the goal here is to gain experience so you can level up - just like an RPG. For example, I haven't had a date since about the time that Skies of Arcadia: Legends came out. So my objective is to talk to girls without being paralyzed by overwhelming social anxiety."

He continued, "Every time I talk to a girl, I reward myself with some experience points. The longer the conversation, the more experience I get. Instead of playing as a character in a game, I am the character and my social life is the game. In the end, I am able to transform an unknown, frightening reality into a comfortable, exciting fantasy. Remember - reality: bad, fantasy: good."

"Right now my focus is on one of my stats that I call CER - my Chick Exposure Rate. See, as my CER increases, my probability of performing a critical hit (getting a date) dramatically increases. It's just a matter of simple statisti-" Davis then broke off, his eyes following an attractive University of Florida co-ed on rollerblades.

"Yow! Now that's a perfect level ten," Davis said appreciatively.

Davis explained that talking to the "level ten" girl was out of the question due to his lack of experience. "When you first start an RPG, you don't immediately strap on your leather armor and charge headlong at a Lich King. You've got to work your way up to it. And so it is with women."

Davis then made his way to a nearby bus stop where an aged homeless woman wearing Hefty bags on her feet was slouched against a fire hydrant.

"Now THIS is more like it!" Davis exclaimed enthusiastically.

He proceeded to have an animated discussion with the transient. After several minutes of conversation, Davis presented her with $1.58 in loose change and reported on his progress.

"I'd say I only get 5 EXP for that encounter," Davis said with some disappointment. "She was a very low-level creature. Still, every little bit contributes to that next level." He then logged the five experience points into his PDA.

Psychologist Greta Amberbock gave cautious approval when told of Davis's RPG approach to socializing.
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"It is often very helpful to have a reward system when dealing with social anxiety and other disorders," Amberbock said. "Of course, one must be sure that the reward itself is healthy. For a person who spends much of his time immersed in a video game world, it is perhaps not so healthy to have a video game related reward. Still, it appears that he has made progress and will continue to do so."

Added Amberbock, "At least until [Final Fantasy] Crystal Chronicles comes out."


Well-known member
Both funny and scary 8O
Descriping the homeless woman as a lowlevel creature.. I follow the idea, but seems a bit unethical ;)

Anyway.. the approach can probably help someone - the idea about rewarding himself when doing something challenging is good.
I'm not sure about the thing about reality being bad and fantasy being good, but thats an interesting way of looking at it. I've never thought about life like that before.


Well-known member
Well, if it works for him, great, good he found a good way of thought.
For me, games are better when i´m playing, or in my head. And self improvement can´t be measured by experience points and skill levels. It´s just happening, and labeling it will just spoil it, like most things in life.


Staff member
and I thought I was bonkers :lol:

these online games are fun but if you let them take over your life you really are not doing yourself any favours, I became obsessed with everquest, starwars galaxies and neverwinter nights a few years back, it destroys your social skills in real life even though online you might be improving them


Well-known member
My life is like me playing an RPG game; I get to a spot that I can't get past, and just give up all together.

I sure wish I could finish Lost Kingdoms though. I keep running out of cards once I get to the final battle of the level I was on. That was several years ago.
About a year or so ago, I started a new game on a different file. That lasted about a day...


Well-known member
Remus said:
and I thought I was bonkers :lol:

these online games are fun but if you let them take over your life you really are not doing yourself any favours, I became obsessed with everquest, starwars galaxies and neverwinter nights a few years back, it destroys your social skills in real life even though online you might be improving them

Yes those kind of games can destroy ones social skills, however if you dont have social skills already then you have nothing to lose!

I'm waiting for a Pirates RPG to be released so I pwn it up on t3h 7even seas. To get into character Ive already got a head start on the rum drinking 8)



Well-known member
Interesting idea... though the problem for me would be that the game would be one that I wouldn't be very good at, I usually give up playing those games and returning them straight away!

Instead, I'd probably turn it into a different game, one where you get points for avoiding uncomfortable situations. At least I'd score some points.... :roll:


Well-known member
No matter how many fuzzy little animal I kill and don't gain any experience point .Why oh why :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-known member
That's hilarious, I'm actually thinking about trying that, because as a kid I remember doing that the same exact thing, I remember in 3rd grade I made a sheet of paper that represented how good I did in sports I'd have points for endurance, strength etc. I must be insane for even considering trying this but then again I've been playing RPG's since I was like 8 years old and in the past month I've beaten 4 rpgs, so maybe I'm just way too upsessed with my video games, or maybe playing the video games for so long drove me insane lol I dunno, I'm going to try it though. :lol:


Well-known member
There was a prostitute killed here last month by a couple of guys who repeatedly ran over her with a car... apparently something they learnt from playing Grand Theft Auto....

So if anyone's going to try the whole video game thing, I'd suggest avoiding that game...


Well-known member
Are you serious about what happend? dang, I'd never get like that I mean I'm upsessed with video games but dang thats horrible, I kinda think that if somone was driven to do somthing like that then they probably had problems even before they started playing the games.


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
kiwi said
Instead, I'd probably turn it into a different game, one where you get points for avoiding uncomfortable situations. At least I'd score some points.... Rolling Eyes

lol! i might actually try that!

Ummmm, avoiding me is bad though, -9999999 points.


Well-known member
What,I have been playing this game my whole life and i'm only on leval 2.Who's been stealing my experience point. :x


Well-known member
Septor said:
What,I have been playing this game my whole life and i'm only on leval 2.Who's been stealing my experience point. :x

I was sent on a secret mission to steal experience points from strangers, so maybe...

But then again, I could have just made that up. :D



Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Septor said:
What,I have been playing this game my whole life and i'm only on leval 2.Who's been stealing my experience point. :x

I was sent on a secret mission to steal experience points from strangers, so maybe...

But then again, I could have just made that up. :D


You YOU.Your the reason why i'm not a leval 20 wizard.Beware of my leval 5 annoying people.You better wacth your back.:twisted:


Well-known member
Fine. We're chatting RPG so lets summon a few RPG-based demons. Ifrit, get your ass over here!


He's scary. Are you scared yet? :lol:


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Fine. We're chatting RPG so lets summon a few RPG-based demons. Ifrit, get your ass over here!


He's scary. Are you scared yet? :lol:

Well I can't do any because you took all me points.Go pick on someone your own size. :cry: