g'day everyone!


Well-known member
i'm in aussie girl that goes to high school... which i totally HATE! whenever i have my depressed moments i ask my mum and dad if they can home school me, and they say no. the fact is, i'm totally scared of school... i have SP and there's like 600 people there that i don't know... but what can you do, i suppose... :(

my biological father had bipolar... i was once very confused and thought that i had it too, but i now know for sure that i have SP. 8O

my older bro is autistic, and i had a younger sister who died of SIDs, but she also had cystic fibrosis. it's really sad, you know, i sometimes feel guilty about it all... :cry:

lately i've been crying a lot... i'm not very thick skinned, and i laugh and cry very easily. but it's great cuz i get cheered up easily, and i'm a very random and laughable person. :lol:

i hate school because i feel so self conscious... i feel like everyone's watching me. i'm always trying not to make a fool of myself, so what do i always have to do?



cya all later. bye bye! :wink:


Well-known member
Hey :D welcome. I know what ya mean about school tho it has been a few years since I was at school I was the same always trying not to make a fool of myself but it happened anyway and yip even more so when I was trying not to. You sound like a cool chick hope this site helps ya and all the best for school