Game: I never...


Well-known member
Okay ? Are you kidding me, my eyes just spontaneously turned green from blue. LUCKY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well for the sake of this game i plan on dancing naked tonight - so that will have to count.

I have never owned a pair of sunglasses.


Well-known member
I sure as hell have - in the summer here we get lots of them, they are everywhere and even if i was a Buddhist monk, i think i would eventually get to a stage where i would just say f*#k it - then go on a big maniacal spider killing bender.
I have never given birth ( and never will ).


Well-known member
So has my mum 8O Can't imagine.
But i haven't eaten a snail either - i have watched my cousin kill them with salt though.


Well-known member
I have never given birth ( and never will ).

excellent idea there red :wink:

I've never eaten a snail. we may be stuck again! Maybe I could make a little cinammon roll thing and pretend it's a snail? Oh those are so good.


Well-known member
i've been at a table where the other people got them but i didnt eat them. does that count? haha

i have never seen A Clockwork Orange


Well-known member
I have - once - never again - too sensitive, broke out in red lumps all over my legs - oooh maybe i dohave little friends in me but they just slipped down.

I have never baracked for a Scottish football team.


Well-known member
Spelled it wrong - barrack - to shout encouragement and support.

He does that - keeps us on our toes.


Well-known member
i had an afair but my boyfriend knew about it and didnt care because it was a girs i was having the afair with ha ha
iv never done a bungie jump before


Well-known member
Is it just as acceptable for a woman to be turned on by two men ?

Look i have never bungy jumped - but for the sake of this game i am going to lie and say that i have - well i have jumped very high off a trompoline.

I have never or attempted to surf.


Well-known member
Okay it seems noone here has an appreciation for literary works of art - including me - so........

I have never been drunk more than once.


Well-known member
oh me neither :? but lets say i have! hehe

I have NEVER....eaten horse meat! urgh


Well-known member
I have never actually TRIED to increase my bust - BUT - i have wished that i was a little more well endowed *sigh* Nah i don't like the way men look at women with big breasts - they would just make me more self conscious.

I have never heard a Morrisey song.


Well-known member
i have rather big boobies, and some men r rather repulsive :evil: dirty men! although as im getting older now, i'll be grateful for any attention when i'm greying!

I have heard a Smiths song, does that count??

I have never liked Tom Snooze/Cruise