
I have to speak outloud in my Humanities class on Monday about my religion. But that's not really why I'm so frustrated. My voice is so annoying, boyish, and not good for presenting at all. I know I'm going to get the same reactions out of everyone like I did from my other classes. Is it that I should stop caring what people think or is there a way for me to change my speech patterns and make my voice more pleasant to hear?

I did a post relating to my voice earlier, but this time I really need advice. Inside my voice sounds normal and like everyone else's. But on the outside it's terrible, slow, and unintentionally awful. I guarantee I won't put anyone to sleep in this presentation- but I will get a lot of :roll: & 8O

I get frustrated so much cause I'm an American Citizen but it sounds like I have an accent. Just like the way I pronounce "that", "yeah", and all "ah" words is awful.


Well-known member
Hey isolatedgirl1990! Im sure ur voice is just fine. Has anyone ever told you that you have an annoying voice? I know how you feel.. My voice would change whenever I made presentations. My throat would just clog up and couldnt speak. Just take a deep breath.. and pretend that you dont care,, just say f**k it and speak as loud and bluntly as you can. Good luck!! :lol:
Well, I used to get made fun of a lot when i was younger, and still now 'n days too (just not to my face :evil:). And people I talk to are never interested in me cause they think I talk weird too. I didn't really think much about it until I recorded myself, and started thinking I had a terrible voice too. I have a big voice for a girl, and it's actually worst when I project my voice.


Voice or delivery of what you're saying. Two things.
Voice, everyone has different voices. Yours is simply a quality of yourself, that you need to accept.
Delivery is the way you're delivering how you're saying stuff. Delivery is probably more about confidence. If you speak with a bit more self-assurance or confidence then maybe is not so much of an issue.