Frustrated and lonely


Well-known member
At the moment I'm very frustrated and feel totally alone. And, of course, I don't know how to remedy the situation. Maybe it is because I have a problem just focusing on social things.

I just get so depressed when I reflect on this solitary existence. What's sad, and a little ironic is, I know I have the ability to make friends. I've been told I'm a charismatic man, and people have said they consider me their friend. But I'm plagued by all this self-doubt.

Lastly, I know the focal point of my frustration is my lack of an intimate relationship with a woman. Both physical and otherwise. I honestly feel like a child sometimes.


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
I honestly feel like a child sometimes.

i dont even know how many times ive said that to myself.

i just feel so underdeveloped socially. i feel like im clueless sometimes. ive never been in a relationship and its hard for me to form close friendships and i just feel like i dont have an understanding other people have of the world.


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
At the moment I'm very frustrated and feel totally alone. And, of course, I don't know how to remedy the situation. Maybe it is because I have a problem just focusing on social things.

I just get so depressed when I reflect on this solitary existence. What's sad, and a little ironic is, I know I have the ability to make friends. I've been told I'm a charismatic man, and people have said they consider me their friend. But I'm plagued by all this self-doubt.

Lastly, I know the focal point of my frustration is my lack of an intimate relationship with a woman. Both physical and otherwise. I honestly feel like a child sometimes.

I feel SO similar, and I wish I could give you some advice but I honestly am in the exact same position where I am just afraid of taking a chance with anyone. I believe that I am really likeable and have a lot of interesting things to say but I just don't believe I will ever find anyone who will accept me or understand me.
You're definately not alone though, I know what you're going through.


Well-known member
I fee like that, too. It's even harder when you see your old friends and how they've moved forward with their lives and have changed and you're still stuck in this damned rut.

Yeah, that really sucks.

i dont even know how many times ive said that to myself.

i just feel so underdeveloped socially. i feel like im clueless sometimes. ive never been in a relationship and its hard for me to form close friendships and i just feel like i dont have an understanding other people have of the world.

Being in a relationship (having a girlfriend) is the most important thing to me right now, I just don't know how to let my guard down that "fundamental understanding" as you put it.

I feel SO similar, and I wish I could give you some advice but I honestly am in the exact same position where I am just afraid of taking a chance with anyone. I believe that I am really likeable and have a lot of interesting things to say but I just don't believe I will ever find anyone who will accept me or understand me.
You're definately not alone though, I know what you're going through.

I'm glad at least few people related to my OP, and like you said I'm afraid of taking a chance with people. Part of the challenge for me is that my desire for socializing ebbs and flows. Ppl will come right out and say they like me, but there are times when...I get depressed I guess and I stop caring about others for awhile. So I don't really make a lot of progress in making "regular" friends.


Active member
I am a shy, awkward teenager. It never takes very long for someone to point out that I'm either quiet or shy.


Well-known member
I can relate. I'm always lonely, because I don't have any friends and rarely leave the house (unless I'm going to school). I'd like to have a girlfriend, but it's not possible until I work on my SA issues.