frightening feelings


Well-known member
I am having a god awful day today!
I feel frightened actually frightened :cry: I couldnt sleep last night all night, because i had tinnitus in my ears ( a ringing noise)
I was really frightened at first thought i might actually be going mad, then realised that its quite normal and can be brought on by stress.
I still feel frieghtened, it just wont go away, i keep thinking what if i end up having a phsycotic episode and i feel really scared about this.
I think lack of sleep doesnt help but i feel awful today really really frightened and shakey.
Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? I dont know if ive just gotten over stressed (i have alot of really stressful things going on at the moment) and this is how its effecting.
I feel like a freak for worrying about this kind of thing but i feel so scared.
I had to walk back home today after dropping my kids off at school and i saw a neighbour walking towars me, god i felt so scared 8O i thought i was going to cry, i feel really embaressed now im not usually that bad, i can usually control my anxiety enough to cope with walking home :oops:
Sorry end of rant,


Well-known member
I'm sorry that you're so anxious and stressful. I hope it will end soon. Frankly, I feel like that all the time.


Well-known member
Thank you
Im starting to feel alittle better, I generally feel anxiouse all day, ive never felt as frightened as this though and it has really shocked me.
I have to go out later and to be honest the thought of leaving the house today is terrifying.
Do you find that you have better days or do you feel frightened most of the time?
you dont have to answer if you dont want to, it makes me feel better just to know that someone can relate.


Well-known member
hi blue , hope your feeling better , i feel like that too , if im out for a while and i feel really anxious , i get back home , feel grand , but if i go out again i feel twice as anxious , take care .


blue said:
Do you find that you have better days or do you feel frightened most of the time?
you dont have to answer if you dont want to, it makes me feel better just to know that someone can relate.
All the time.. this has been the case in the last two years. There are hardly any good days for me.