Friends who invade


Well-known member
Does anyone have the problem of friends or people who just show up out of knowhere and plan the day out for you. Such as this is what we are going to do today. They don't call you about it or ask you if you would like to be involved in an activity. They just show up and tell you. I find this very condescending and extremely rude and a couple of friends do this to me all the time.

They dont call you in advance. They show up and tell me this is where we are going today. In some cases if i have something else on i just say well "You guys should have called and asked first" Then you get the guilt trip. I fear that if i tell these friends that i dont appreciate them showing up and telling me what i have to do, that they will disown me but maybe its better to be honest then put up with it every week.

Also if you say no you get the whole guilt trip "Your no fun" rant i dont mind going somewhere for a bit of fun. However i dont like it when its forced upon me.


Well-known member
I know exactly what you are talking about! and god damnit it is so irritating. I have the same problem as you too, I feel like if I don't say yes then I will be hated by them ("disowned"). although it's kind of dumb to hate somebody because they dont go to the mall with you.

what I've done is the night before planning out a believable excuse why I can't go -- and then act all depressed. you might get "youre no fun" but you probably wont be "disowned."

annoying problem, just if there was an easy solution :x


Well-known member
Nope. I dont have any friends, period. Except my imaginary ones. If I want to do something I do it on my own or with my parents. They're all I got. Actually they're my best friends.


Well-known member
sounds like a dream come true for me :D
No actually the type of person you are describing sounds quite irritating like my dad who thinks he must control every aspect of my life and I must conform to his beliefs and expectations.


Well-known member
Yeah, happens to me sometimes. A friend(maybe 2 or 3) show up to something. It´s okay for the first ten minutes, after that i´m just holding myself to ask "when you guys leaving again?".
The things i do in my computer are, you know, just for me. It´s silly to do them with someone else(well, maybe a girlfriend).

But, noone ever decided my whole day ahead like you said.


Well-known member
I know exactly what you are talking about! and god damnit it is so irritating

Yeah i dont like it at all. It happened again today. They showed up and my folks were there so i really couldn't say no. Then i was stuck with them all day. When you go in somebody elses car, you don't have any control at all. I ended up saying that i have had enough and want to go home but that didn't work. So frustraiting!!


Well-known member

hey richey...I know exasctly what you mean on the getting in your friends car and not having any control. Can't stand it. That is one thing I probably dread the nost. At least if we are not confined in a moving object that I can't just leap from then I freak. I like being where I can make some excuse like I need to go to the bathroom , which I usually do becasue my nerves are shot. BUt if I see no means of excape I'm just that more scared and advoidant.