forum n00b


time to introduce, I've been looking at the forum for a bit under a week and have finally summoned to courage to intoduce myself, Im from Australia and have had social phobia for as long as I can remember, it seems to be exculating though.
I can stayup for the best part of 3 days with very little or no sleep due to it and it's starting to really wear me down.

I gave the excuse of self-medication to myself and was addicted to some nasty substances for the bes part of 11 years.. Although I have been clean now for about 4 years

You CAN'T enjoy a proper life with social phobia, so I've joined up hear to be with others that experiance this and to see if I can somehow start to combat theis annoying problem.
I'll leave it there I think. Thanks SPW for what looks to be a sweet community of people trying to better themselves.
Time to hide now.


Thanks crazyfairyx and thankyou for helping me with the forum problem the other day, I appreciated it.


Active member
I am new here, reading all these things i do everyday, if you would like a long distance friend I think we would have alot in common. ps I LOVE monkeys. Thanks for the smile. I see hear they put msn down may i add you? You know where mine is. Betty
lonley1 said:
time to introduce, I've been looking at the forum for a bit under a week and have finally summoned to courage to intoduce myself, Im from Australia and have had social phobia for as long as I can remember, it seems to be exculating though.
I can stayup for the best part of 3 days with very little or no sleep due to it and it's starting to really wear me down.

I gave the excuse of self-medication to myself and was addicted to some nasty substances for the bes part of 11 years.. Although I have been clean now for about 4 years

You CAN'T enjoy a proper life with social phobia, so I've joined up hear to be with others that experiance this and to see if I can somehow start to combat theis annoying problem.
I'll leave it there I think. Thanks SPW for what looks to be a sweet community of people trying to better themselves.
Time to hide now.


welcome to sfw Betty, I'm sure we can get to know each other through msn if you like.
Look out for CuteFluffyKittens claws though :wink: naw just jokes shes a lovley lady.
Very tired today as I had a very bad night but I'll leave msn on, or your always welcome to use my e-mail.. the .org one :)

KFC sorry about lastnight I was in a mood I have never really been in before.. was really strange. :? but don't we all have our bad days :)