Forgiving people, even at extreme cruelty and remorselessnes


Well-known member
i can really relate to what ur saying...
i used to be pretty close with my family but since developing sp, relations have dteriorated alot...i have never told them about it and they seem to put all these derisive labels on me to explain my behaviour which really hurts...they can't except me as i am and i never feel good enough for them because they want me to be/act like a "successful"/"normal"person.
sorry i can't give u any inspiring words but all i can say is i think i understand a little and having sp has taught me to be less judgemental of others...i think evrybody should be treated equally and the people that don't arn't very nice people


Well-known member
Re: Forgiving people, even at extreme cruelty and remorseles

tehStranger said:

I'm having a difficult time dealing with betrayal, with friends and family members especially my brother who I always looked up too and was my best friend. They seem to have completely wrote me off as human being, judging me on mistakes or supposed mistakes I've made in my life.

I seem to be completely marked, nomatter what path I choose to take will only result in failure by cruel design.

That someone like me, is of such importance for better or worse is obscene. I'll try my best. Hope for some sincere inspiration.

yup! my family who know every weakness look down at me and now i just laugh everything off so it doesnt get out of hand, my only sollution now after trying to talk to them is to move out, i need to escape them for a while and start fresh


Well-known member
I like this topic, becuz i think alot of ppl here have a hard time forgiving others whome they had a bad experience with. Somehow they may not put a voice in it, but can deeply forgive - in any way. Personally, i never thought i wud forgive ppl becuz i didnt look like they own me an apology, i was so good in hiding my emotions, my anger, my hatred, ect. , If that hiding went on forever, i wud have killed them by myself, seriously. i always thought of killing a girl in my class, i planned it and then just threw it away .. i was so damn afraid of myself, each time this girl talks or does something in class .. i couldnt find a reason to forgive her. i searched and waited, it was complicated, i never hated someone tht real. i never thought of homicide, whats going on now? i never thought anger is eating my heart. Although, at the outside, i looked calm and sweet, In the inside its a storm, a turnado, .. a massive disaster. This girl didnt just kick me down to the ground, she said something clear and loud for me to hear - i never thought someone wud liked me to hear it, they can say whatever they may but in my back. Not infront of me cruely and proudly to hurt me, to worsen my self-esteem, my self-worth ... ... Dammit, she never stopped bugging me,, even though she's actually sweet and sensitive, i just dont know where tht sensitivity comes from?? She got the guts to do whatever she wants ... I just dont know how to ever forgive her.
No matter what ,, im trying to find a reason, to find an answer, to recieve answers is a way to forgive ... i want to know, why is it always me, tht she loves to do that to, to let me down, to critise ... i dont know why, im just so confused, i can never be her friend again, i can never stand her. its annoying ... this feeling.. Of hatred.

The moment i knew i cud never forgive this person or other ppl too. I knew i can never live .. this way.

To Live .. is To Forgive.


Well-known member
i know it's hard to do, but you can't give other people that much power over you...they wnat you to react exactly the way you's all about them having power over you - it gives them an ego boost...people who deliberately set out to hurt other peoples feelings are cannot let them get inside your need to realise that you are a better person that that nad they are not worth even giving the time of day to...try and use it as motivation to become a better person yourself and not let it eat you up...if this girl sees that you couldn't give a shit what she thinks then you have taken her power away and you win


Well-known member
what do you mean when you say your brother and sister have extremely poor characters? I'm curious as to what would be judged a "bad character"
do you mean they are weak, cruel, lazy, uncompassionnate, selfish?
if they have such bad characters I wouldn't worry about them or their actions towards you...
I am quite the opposite, my family has rallied around me and been very supportive, my friends turned away but my family stuck by me. Having that support base has been a very helpful thing and it is part of why I am doing so well right now.