For those who know OCD. Sorry it's so long.


New member
I hear it is quite 1 in 40 or something, but my husband kept calling me OCD because I have to check my alarm clock at night about 24 times in a series of 3. I insisted I didnt have OCD because it only takes up 5 minutes of my day. When I looked up what OCD was, I started thinking back to my younger years. Could this in fact be OCD? Can it get better in time? Here are the "symptoms" I exhibited. I am 27 currently. When I was 12, I had an intense and constant fear that my mother was going to die or that my brother was going to commit suicide. As result, I prayed...and prayed so God didn't take them. I had to picture every word just as the previous night (like my mom or dad dead in a coffin during the Hail Mary where it was said "now and at the hour of our death") or I had to start the line all over again. It would take me 3 hours to say 5 prayers. This went on for months privately before it caused so much anxiety I had to tell my mom nearly busting out in tears. I couldn't stop. After we talked, I made sure to stay out in the living room until bedtime bc i was embarrassed. When I went to bed, it would go on for an hour for many more months. I also had to touch things in a series of 3 but only door knobs, handles and tables (age 12-17). This caused me no stress. As a matter of fact, I still catch myself doing it out of habit. I still have a constant fear of my mom's death, but no compulsions to go along with it that I rationally think about. There were many other things too. I had to say "i love you (response) i love you more (response) i love you most (response)" to every family member. Finally, I hadn't shown any other compulsive behaviors for 9-10 yrs. When I got married 1.5 yrs ago...or shortly after, I had an intense fear that I had cancer bc of working with small amounts of radiation in my lab. I felt my neck until I convinced myself I had lymphoma. I got depressed and couldn't think about anything else. I lost 10 lbs and I felt my neck about 3 times/ every waking minute for 2 months I hadn't been to the Dr s in 10 yrs, but I went to get checked out and didn't believe it when she told me I was fine. I worried for at least 2 wks more before I thought.... there is no more I can do. Do you feel I had OCD? Do you think that what happened to me 1.5 yrs ago could have been stress induced OCD too?


New member
Thats obviously ocd!!i relate to your rituals i had lots of them to prevent my family from dying and to prevent me from going blind :lol: , i had one involving number 3 too, and it got so worst that i used it constantlyi had to knock 3 times in 3 diferent types of wood with both hands, it was worst when i was almost asleep and a bizarre thought will come and i had to get out of the room searching for forniture to knock :lol: , now i laugh because my ocd is completely under control.
But the worst was the harm and sexually bizarre thoughts that made me completely mad and that even now ,that i almost doesnt have them, i dont laugh because it was hell.If it interferes with your life treatment is advised, check this forum:


New member
This thread made me register an account immediately. I was feeling depressed, possibly the side effect of starting seroxat recently. I got related to this thread after i read about the checking of the clock.

I have OCD almost all my life but didn't seek professional help until 6 months ago. I didn't know what it was called, i just know i have a problem.

Here are a couple of things i do before i sleep.

I'll touch the wooden table in front of my bed 3 times with both hands chanting "touch wood".

I'll look at the time on my mobile making sure it doesn't end at the 4th min for 3 times. If i ends at the 4th min, i'll stay there until it changes to 5.

I'll go to the toilet constantly for at least 20 over times.

Before i get onto my bed, i make sure both my heels touches the floor before getting on.

And these are just a few of them. I'm still trying to fight OCD and every day it's giving me lots of problems.