For those that consider themselves "unattractive"


Well-known member
So, as the thread title states, have any of you that consider yourselves unattractive ever thought of cosmetic surgery? I'm on the fence, as I used to get bombarded with positive comments about my natural self. But I still have a lot of self-doubt, etc.

Anyway, I just wondered if anyone else has thought about it. As from what I understand it is quite affordable through financing (actually had a relative that did it that way) and I think it is getting more and more common.


Well-known member
I considered it. And by consider i mean the literal term ( to think about carefully about). I came to the strong conclusion i never will ever in my life and despise everyone who does :)

Since i can't post anymore (7 times a day, seriously?) i will just edit this in response to your response. It's just incredibly vain and unnecessary, I often wish we were in a depression so everyone was less happy... I'm very pessimistic and misanthropic, another excellent character trait (go me) : D


Well-known member
Well, if you don't want to that is one thing, but I think despising those that do is a tad harsh. If they aren't hurting anyone, than that is all that matters.


Well-known member
this is something i posted in my myspace blog, which is basically the reason i have for even thinking about plastic surgery:

i've always put down girls who looked like barbies. you know the type - the perfect, plastic looking girls with the even tans, bleached hair, & massive amounts of silicone...the kind of girls that men (for some reason) can't get enough of. i couldn't be further from that image. & yet, part of the reason i put them down, is because i'm so jealous of them & all the gorgeous male attention that they get (especially on myspace), that i can't help it. it scares me sometimes, how much hatred i have inside me towards some of these girls i see on here & in the media in general. i feel like, what did i do to deserve to look like this? like this digustingly pale girl that only attracts attention from ugly &/or old guys?

i would think after all the shit i've had to put up with in my life, that I of all people would deserve to have a little of the appeal of those girls i envy so much. i know that's not rational thinking, but it's how my mind works. i want to be that girl that turns heads everywhere she goes, IN A POSITIVE WAY. i already attract attention because i'm so different/freakish-looking. but, i'm convinced that if i did look like those girls, i would not have been single for going on 19 YEARS. beautiful men would've asked me out or tried to get to know me at some point by now.

i really do want to get plastic surgery someday, but i'm afraid that i'll end up looking worse than i did before. & i'd still be trapped in this endless cycle of unhappiness. :|


Well-known member

I use to consider my self unattractife but lately as I started meeting more people both online and in real life many are saying that I look attractife. It makes no sense to me cause i look about the same now as when I was younger years ago.

Each day i keep asking my self what is attractife. No one seems to use any kind of unified standard to measure beauty. The posters before me says they hate their looks but if you go to the picture gallery all the ones who hate their looks look like models and i am sure the members who reply to this thread look like models too.


Well-known member
Absolutely out of the question. I don't find myself attractive no. But thats cause I feel like crap on the inside. When I feel good, I find that I don't look that bad. I like the way I am. My quirks and stuff. Plus there are people who while I don't find attractive or good looking at first, their personality shines and after you get to know them, you really dont think they look that bad at all. The ones with the crappy attitudes and stuff though... ya they stay ugly. Even the good looking ones if they got crappy attitudes, they lose any physical attractiveness after you get to know them.

So no. Never gonna do it. I have huge lips... and I'm a guy. I hate em. thought about getting lip reduction or something. My top lip also curls up when I smile which is even worst than having big lips... I wanted to get that cut so when I smile, my lip doesn't curl like that.

But as I said, when I'm in a good mood, changing my lips would probably just make me look worse and fake or an artificial smile. Plus, I've gotten a few complements on them kinda... more like.. women who say "I wish I had lips like that" type of thing but still. But still... nope never gonna happen. Not going to make me feel any better, not gonna take away anxiety, and there are so many other things that need changing first i couuld put money into... like say.. my outlook on life, social skill classes I don't know but ya. My physical appearance, while I may think its a big deal, it really shouldn't be and most people don't care anyway. And if they do, if they get to know you and you have a lit up positive personality, they'll find you attractive anyway.
Yes, I do. I know I'll do it as soon as I'm old enough to. I can't stop obsessing about it, and I absolutely do not want to accept the person that I am right now.


Well-known member
I think that I would be afraid to have cosmetic surgery done, but I probably would consider it.


Well-known member
I've considered it a million times. After weighing it all out, I'm deciding not to though. Its so weird. I am repulsed by how I look, yet I'm not going to. I guess I'd rather be my unique and ugly self rather than be another beautiful copy.
I'm not gunna lie, I think I'm a pretty ugly guy, but I like being an ugly loser! You can get way more laughs from people by saying how ugly you are than saying how hot you are right?

example: I'm so ugly, they filmed "gorilla in the mist" in my shower" is funnier than "I'm so good looking...well really anything after that would just seem incredibly pompus lol

Once I'm able to openly talk to'd better watch out because I'm going to be the funniest, most interesting guy ever!!!!


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
Yes, I do. I know I'll do it as soon as I'm old enough to. I can't stop obsessing about it, and I absolutely do not want to accept the person that I am right now.

Why? I've seen you're pictures in the picture thread and you are absolutely gorgeous... If you aren't happy with the way you look now, no plastic surgery is gonna help. Cure the SA, and I'm sure you'll see how pretty you really are. And I'm not just saying that to make you feel good... I just really can't understand why you or that princesswhatever hate the way you look cause you both look great.


Active member
I've gone through periods when I think I'm pretty and periods when I think I'm ugly...and I'm beginning to wonder if it's more worthwhile to change the way my sense of value is equated with being good-looking, than to keep trying to change the way I look. Because eventually one day, I'm gonna get really old and looks will fade - they always do with people, no one is immune. So it's better to break the cycle now and be ok with looking however I look.


Well-known member
Well I've realized that, at least as far as the interactions with the opposite gender goes, looks a pretty important, esp. if you want to be more than friends. Sure, ya need some charisma too, ya can't sound like dumbass as well There are exceptions, but...


Well-known member
I don't get how one person can be considered more attractive than another. All this talk bothers me, especially girls who complain they have a big nose or whatever. Big compared to what? Who made these rules? If someone is not going to like you cause they think your nose is to big or breasts are too small, screw them, they are assholes. It's really sad what girls have to go through cause the media keeps telling you what's beautiful and what's not.


Well-known member
NightTimeForever said:
Well I've realized that, at least as far as the interactions with the opposite gender goes, looks a pretty important, esp. if you want to be more than friends. Sure, ya need some charisma too, ya can't sound like dumbass as well There are exceptions, but...

Umm I've seen some pretty "ugly" people have some great relationships and friends. Not cause they look good but cause they're out there and they make others feel good. And really its not that they're ugly.. htey just have harder faces to get used too. Get to know em like I said before, and pieces of them shine and they don't look bad at all.

Looks only play a major part for superficial people. People who date till they get bored and wanna bang the next hottie. People who go on lame dating shows and all that garbage... they'll be much worse off in the future when they're looks fade when they can't keep anyone around anymore cause they have a sucky personality and they can't stop from aging and looking oh so beautiful.

I know as someone with SA you think well if only I looked better I'd be more confident etc etc more people would be interested blah blah... its not true. People on here even prove that posting their pictures prove. Some of them I'm like really.... ok so why do you have SA now? It's not the looks... or they'd be fine.


Well-known member
sketchy24 said:
NightTimeForever said:
Well I've realized that, at least as far as the interactions with the opposite gender goes, looks a pretty important, esp. if you want to be more than friends. Sure, ya need some charisma too, ya can't sound like dumbass as well There are exceptions, but...

Umm I've seen some pretty "ugly" people have some great relationships and friends. Not cause they look good but cause they're out there and they make others feel good. And really its not that they're ugly.. htey just have harder faces to get used too. Get to know em like I said before, and pieces of them shine and they don't look bad at all.

Looks only play a major part for superficial people. People who date till they get bored and wanna bang the next hottie. People who go on lame dating shows and all that garbage... they'll be much worse off in the future when they're looks fade when they can't keep anyone around anymore cause they have a sucky personality and they can't stop from aging and looking oh so beautiful.

I know as someone with SA you think well if only I looked better I'd be more confident etc etc more people would be interested blah blah... its not true. People on here even prove that posting their pictures prove. Some of them I'm like really.... ok so why do you have SA now? It's not the looks... or they'd be fine.

I said there are exceptions, didn't I?

And I'm on the fence as far as my looks are concerned. I used to get unsolicited comments (the ones that count usually) all the time about how good I looked, but that is no match for self-loathing is it? I mainly posted this to see how others viewed their situation.
sketchy24 said:
Psychedelicious said:
Yes, I do. I know I'll do it as soon as I'm old enough to. I can't stop obsessing about it, and I absolutely do not want to accept the person that I am right now.

Why? I've seen you're pictures in the picture thread and you are absolutely gorgeous... If you aren't happy with the way you look now, no plastic surgery is gonna help. Cure the SA, and I'm sure you'll see how pretty you really are. And I'm not just saying that to make you feel good... I just really can't understand why you or that princesswhatever hate the way you look cause you both look great.

I agree completely.

I am actually good looking now but I wasn't born that way. Even one of my eyes is higher than the other but you can't notice unless I point it out. When you are ugly for such a long time sometimes you just get stuck thinking that is what you are. I think there is beauty in everyone. Beauty is simply a state of mind. What I find beautiful is probably different from what most other people find beautiful.

that is just a detailed way of saying, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".
that is to say it neither is nor isn't.

so in conclusion
I am neither pretty nor am I ugly because what someone may find beautiful others will find unattractive. I like to have sex a lot, I won't tolerate anyone asking me to chop off my facial hair, and I am extremely passionate, so much so that I grow attached to the person I am with. Some find that attractive... others find it annoying... regardless... I WONT CHANGE FOR ANYBODY BECAUSE THIS IS ME AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME GET LOST. 8) 8) :D :D

as for the physical parts of beauty, they are summed up into 3 things; Hair, Eyes & Mouth. All 3 are artificial. All 3 are fake. All 3 are annointed with makeup. It's not beauty and everyone knows this. Why should that be bad? if you fit my personality I will ride you straight into next tuesday and I don't give a damn what you look like, and you can take that to the bank. :wink:


Well-known member
absolutely yes if I had the money..and it would be for a nose job. Ive wanted one since I was about 11 years old. (im 23 now) I never really got bullied about it, but there were a few nasty comments that really did stick in my mind. Being a girl with an imo masculine nose really makes you feel ugly...and if surgery could change the 1 thing that bothers me about my apperance then I see no wrong in it.