For all of you people out there...

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Yeah man I know what you're saying...It all sucks I'm never gonna have a girlfriend or even very good friends. I have 2 friends but one never wants to hang out and the other is more like an acquaintance than a friend.

I'm just so lonely and so bored with life!! If the rest of my life is gonna be the way it is right now I may as well jump off a bridge or something right now :(


*High Five* Yea me too, My life is so plain right now...Stayed home usually 24/7 with the exception of classes 3 days a week, but when weekend starts its back to the usual routine.
umbrellas are uncool

*High Five*

Yeah, I sometimes feel pretty fυcked in life. Kind of do right now, but whatever. And for those of you saying that you only have a few friends, no super complainplains saying you'll never have friends, when you already do? Not to be annoying or anything, even though I probably am... I still like the giant hand though!!