Fogginess in my head


Hi all,

I've been suffering from SP all my life and can relate to just about everything I've read in the forums and life stories. I've improved a lot over the last few years (I'm now 27) through seeing a shrink and taking anti-depressants. I don't suffer from the panic attacks like I used to when confronted with social situations (however they can randomly appear once in a blue moon which scares me but quickly go away). I don't see myself as fully recovered though.

I've recently tapered off my efexor and am feeling ok and relatively confident but am still left with this foggy feeling in my head, like everything is just not quite 'real'. I've thought a lot about what this could be and speculated it could be the meds or diet (drinking too much). But I think it’s more likely these phenomena called 'dissociation'. I notice that it does seem worse if I am stressed or anxious. Is this my mind's way of separating myself from the situation - a 'defense' mechanism? Or could it just be a symptom of depression (I know what severe depression is and I'm not now but could be mildly depressed)

This feeling of 'unreal ness' really annoys me and I'm wondering if anyone else feels like this? If feel it is one of the last stumbling blocks in my battle against this problem.


Well-known member
It very well could be a defense mechanism. I had the unreal feeling, following by becoming emotionally blunt for years. Is this how you are feeling???

My whole life I've been affraid to say anything to anyone, opinion, joke, w/e original. I would come up with great things to say in class or with peers, but never have the confidence to spit it out.
Then I was publically humiliated followed by extreme bullying. I then became affraid to even THINK my own thoughts!!!! I've improved a little after taking effexor, but not quite the same.


I think I called be described as emotionally blunt at the moment. I guess I struggle t have empathy with people, unless they are my close friends.
I used to and sometimes still don't have the courage to say things in class or at work, but I've got better at this from the frustration of having the right answer and only have the teacher/boss tell everyone the right answer and think 'damn' I new that and was right! I'm getting better at taking the risk.

Can ask - when you felt that 'unreal' sensation, was it something that you no longer feel? If so did you feel a sense of relief? There have been a few occasions over the last few years when suddenly it was like all the planets aligned and I lost that feeling and it was like a huge weight was lifted and I was like "wow - I must have got better" and sure enough that same feeling would come back the next day and I'd be back at square one. I guess if it is a defense mechanism, emotional bluntness could also be and we have the potential to replace one with the other. I think I've got both problems at the moment though.


Well-known member
Yes, I got over the unreal feeling but everything else still presists. I don't remember if I had on and off days, I'm pretty sure they were all off days. My "friends" didn't understand what was wrong with me. They told me I use to be so funny and now I'm so boring they can't stand me.

...Well that was early 2001, and now it's early 2007. I'm still emotionally blunt and my psychologist assumes that it's a little wall I put up between me and society. I thought it could be some sort of brain damage, who knows right? All I know is that this(accompanied by sa) stole my youth.


blimey, this is exactly how i feel

i was also on efexor at one point, i came off of it last year at christmas

but the unreal feeling has been with me long before then, like my whole life is a bit of a dream. although even feeling like that i still have social phobia.

i feel numb, and like you it gets worse when im stressed or anxious

I remember the time when i was younger standing in the playground when started feeling like this

every now and then at its worse, normally when im anxious, the whole world seems hostile and cold, and not even my closest friends or familly make me feel safe. a couple of times ive felt that gravity is going to give way and im going to fall of the planet!

i just googled dissociation and it really has opened up a whole new door in my life

also just found this website

reading through the forum now