fluorescent lights and others


Active member
Ever since elementary school I would get headaches or a migraine almost every day I spent in class. After I graduated I went to a college that had different lighting and I did not get headaches. This was 20 years ago. I always thought it was the fluorescent lighting that did this. If you do a search you will find studies on some types of lighting such as fluorescent and LED that are linked to anxiety, seizures, migraines ect.

Just recently I have started to have those old problems reappear. This includes my SA getting worse and those headaches coming back. I notice when my anxiety is high I can notice things other people can not see. LED Christmas lights flash at a very fast pace. When I am calm though I do not notice it as much. I went to my sons school for a conference. Under those fluorescent lights I soon felt panic followed 20min later by a migraine. It was so bad that when I oped my eyes it almost felt like my brain was getting zapped.

I do not know though if the light causes the anxiety problems or if my anxiety causes the intolerance to the lights. The stress I have been under lately is high. These lights are in more places now then in the past.

Anybody else notice this? Any takes on this?
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Well-known member
This is a tangent I know, but I now use f.lux which changes the colour temperature of the monitor after sunset to make it more like incandescent light. It's easier on the eyes, and gives lighting cues conducive to sleep.
That is sad that fluorescent lighting gives you headaches. It's hard to escape it as it's such a common form of lighting in so many places :/
They make me feel a bit claustrophobic, but thats about it for me.