First year of college on tuesday...Need some tips!


Well-known member
So, this may not be the best place to ask...Most people here struggle with meeting new people/making and keeping friends/surviving school...etc. But, I figure everyone knows where I'm coming from. And, lots of you have already been to college/uni and can give me some pointers!

So basically, I start college on tuesday. I've got 8 classes. 2 academic and the rest fine arts classes. All of which have about 30 students in them. The art classes I'm taking will likely be with the same 30 students in each class. The 2 academics will probably be 30 different ones. Anyway, that's not really important!

I need help and tips on talking to all of my unfamiliar peers! As well as being outspoken in class. That one's a difficult one for me. I've never been once to raise my hand in class to answer a question, or ask one. But, I'd like to start. I want to develop good relationships with my teachers because not only will it make my experience better, but it will help me in the future. :)

So, I want to know how your first few months-year of college went. What did you do that you wish you hadn't? What would you change? What would you have done to make college more enjoyable?

The school I'm going to doesn't have dorms or anything (I'll be living at home), so I don't have to worry about that!

EDIT: I'm also curious to know if group presentations or worse...solo presentations to the class are common in college English classes. =/ My English is something along the lines of short story and essay writing, so I'm not sure...I'm mainly worried about this.
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Well-known member
Honestly, I was able to retain all my social phobia and high pass most of my classes. Then again, none of my science courses required being particularly outspoken. I would just go to class for the required amount of time, and then go back home and study by myself.

My only regret is that I didn't challenge myself more socially, because it's killing me now in my professional career which DOES require heavy social interaction.


New member
It depends on your willingness to put yourself out there really, it sounds like you have a positive attitude though, that's good. I pretty much went the 3 years without talking to anyone, no teachers, no nothing, even going so far as dropping any subjects with any group work or oral presentations. You can do your own thing and no one will care, but it's also easy to fall back into a shell if you let it.

As was said above, getting involved socially now will help you in the long run (if only for academic references later...), you won't be able to hide from it on the job. I know I surely regret not putting more of an effort in.


Well-known member
Before class starts ask the person next to you a question about the class (ex. Do you know if we were suppose to bring any art supplies to class today?) or something like that. You'd be really surprised at how often a simple question can start a conversation... anyways good luck, keep us posted on how it turns out ;)


Well-known member
I start my second year of college (not university) on Wednesday. I'm nervous, and can't really be bothered going back tbh.

Darker Than Black

Well-known member
it was ok..I mean the first few days. everytime I meet somebody, I shake their hand and be like "hi, nice to meet name is....." LOL, omg I was such a noob. I talked to some people too, but not for a really long time, 1st and 2nd time was ok, and 3rd time i was a little nervous, I didn't know what to say, so a lot of them stopped talking to me. I can't do 1-1, some times not even 1-a group. I seen some guys and girls that were really quiet, but wanted to start a convo, cuz I thought I would be more comfortable with them..maybe they have SA too, who knows. but never did, its like my mind was going one way and my body was going the opposite.

I had like 200-300 people in my classes, different people in class. so it sucked. I like to sit in the front, so wouldn't notice there's SO MANY people here, that would make me nervous. 1st

1st year sucked, I stayed in my room or library all the time, I had no life. :(

I am now in 2nd year, and I'm trying to get something out of it.