First Time Seeing a Psychiatrist

I was feeling especially crappy the other day. I was feeling really down about my SA and I was really irritable, so when my dad nagged me about something that I can't even remember now, I lashed out. He told me that I was miserable and told me that he had arranged for me to see a psychiatrist. At first I felt hurt and betrayed for the reason that he did not consult me before doing this, but now I'm kind of comfortable with the Idea. I was wondering though. What is it like the first time you see a psychiatrist? What kind of questions will he ask me?

Any input,advice,ect. is greatlly appreciated, thanks!


Active member
I believe a psychiatrist will look at your condition from a medical point of view and will offer treatment through drugs.

The first time I saw my doctor about treatment for depression he prescribed Aropax and referred me to a psychiatrist who asked lots of questions about family medical history and basically confimed what my doctor prescribed. It was kind of disappointing, I was hoping there would be some counselling - but apparently you need to see a psychologist for that.


Well-known member
My first time was so nerve racking. i was tremberling in the waiting room.
Once i was in his room for about 10mins i relaxed, and he asked me about my family, and my childhood, and bringing all the bad memeries up was reli hard and over welming. I was pretty annoyed cz we were talking alot and i was calm and willing, then he said "time is up" and i hit rock bottom again. i went home and was so down i jst crawled up in bed.
When i told my friends tht i was seeing a psychologist they all looked at me like i didnt speak they're launauge, and tht hurt quite alot.
My advise, is to stay calm, and try not to drag EVERYTHING out in the 1st session, and perhaps be aware of the time.